General Informations

  • Join Date: 10/01/1990
  • College: Directorate of Research(Agri)
  • Department: AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia
  • Office Email: raaj.k.kakoti[at]
  • Other Charges: Chief Scientist (i/c)

Education Details

B.Sc. (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University

M.Sc. (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University

Employment History

10-01-1990 - 21-06-1999
Training Asstt. in the rank of Asstt. Professor

Assam Agricultural University

22-06-1999 - 30-06-2008
Senior Scientist

Assam Agricultural University

01-07-2008 - 31-12-2020
Principal Scientist

Assam Agricultural University

01-01-2021 - 26-01-2022
Chief Scientist (i/c)

Assam Agricultural University

27-01-2022 - 31-01-2023
Principal Scientist

AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station

01-02-2023 - Till date
Chief Scientist

AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station

  • Received the best paper award (poster session) for the paper entitled “Effect of different methods of propagation on vegetative characters of Assam lemon (Citrus limon L.) selections” authored by Saikia, J., Barbora,A.C, Kakoti, R. K., Deka, S. and Gogoi, A. in National Citrus Meet-2020 organised by ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur in collaboration with AAU, Jorhat, CAU, Imphal and ICAR-RC for NEH region held at Biswanath College of Agriculture, Assam during January 10-12, 2020.
  • Received the third best paper award (poster session) for the paper entitled “Field biology, behaviour and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of fruit flies (Tephritidae: Diptera) on Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in North East India” authored by Deka S., Sehgal M., Kakoti R.K. and Barbora A.C. in International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (ICCBSA-2018), 13-16 December, Jorhat, Assam.
  • Earned two DBT ad-hoc project in 2021, as project Coordinator having HUB and spoke model with project cost ₹ 1031.20 and 1032.71 Lakh respectively. (Details in 'Project" head).
  • Received one DBT ad-hoc project in 2021 as Principal Investigator with project cost ₹ 31.75lakh. (Details in 'Project" head).
  • Developed 14 number of production and protection technology of citrus.
  • All the Assam lemon growers of Hahkhati-Dirak area were organized into a cooperative society and registered the society in the name of “ CRS-Naa-Dihing Nemu Tenga Unnayan Samity” (Registration No. 26210304/1645 dated 26.07.2017 and under the supervision of all scientists of CRS, the Assam lemon farmers were guided and assisted and linked with IPR cell of AAU, Jorhat and Dept. of Horticulture, AAU, Jorhat applying for Geographical Indication (GI) for Assam lemon to NBPGR, New Delhi and recently, GI for Assam lemon is announced for the benefits of the farmers.
  • Indian Phytopathological Society
    Life Member
  • Indian Society of Citriculture
    Life Member
  • Govt. of Assam sponsored project on "Establishment of Natural farming and Organic Agriculture under R & D", project cost Rs.42.70 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • University Receipts, GIA-32 sponsored project on "Establishment of Plantation crops viz. Arecanut, Coconut, Coffee, Cocoa, Cashewnut & Cinnamon at AAU-CPCRS, Tinsukia", project cost Rs.200000 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan sponsored project on "Mega Project on rapeseed-Mustard Value Chain Development Through Promotion of Scientific Cultivation in Assam", project cost Rs.285000 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • DBT, MST, GoI sponsored project on "Exploiting chemical ecology for IPM: Deciphering the phyto-semiochemicals involved in insect-plant interactions of major crop pests of NER-India", project cost Rs.53.13 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • DBT, MST, GoI sponsored project on "Development of Citrus Diagnostics and Certification Centre in NER", implemented in 2021.
  • DBT, MST, GoI sponsored project on "Phytochemical characterization and nutrient profiling of germplasm diversity of Citrus species existing in North East Region", project cost Rs.31.75920 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • DBT, MST, GoI sponsored project on "Network Project for Establishment of disease free elite Khasi mandarin and Sweet Orange genetic stocks through shoot tip grafting (STG) and mass production of quality planting material for Northeastern states of India.", project cost Rs.103271872 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • AICRP-Cashew, ICAR-DCR, Puttur, Karnataka sponsored project on "AICRP-Cashew_NEH Schme "Cashew Awareness Campaigns, Area Expansion programmes and distribution of small inputs to farmers", project cost Rs.405054 Lakh implemented in 2024.
  • ICAR sponsored project on "AICRP on Fruits (CRS, Tinsukia)", project cost Rs.41700000 Lakh implemented in 1976.