AICRP on Women In Agriculture, AAU, Jorhat
The All India Coordinated Research Project on Women in Agriculture (AICRP-WIA) formerly known as AICRP- Home Science was initiated as a measure to build a strong foundation for research and extension in the SAUs aimed at enhancing the standard of living for rural people. The project was initiated during the VI five year plan period and later merged with DRWA in XI five year plan period. All five components of Community Science namely, Food and Nutrition, Child Development, Clothing and Textiles, Extension and Family Resource Management are the integral part of AICRP. Since 2021, the AICRP- Home Science renamed as AICRP- Women in Agriculture. The project emerges, envisioned to fortify the research and extension arms dedicated to improve the life of farm families especially farm women with the vision to emerge as a leading centre for gender research and serve as a catalyst for gender mainstreaming and women empowerment in agriculture to realize, enhance productivity and sustainability of agriculture. The mandates of the project are research on gender issues in agriculture and allied fields, gender equitable agricultural policies/ programmes and gender sensitive agricultural sector responses and coordinate research on women in agriculture. At present, the AICRP on WIA is being implemented through its thirteen centres located at different SAUs.
On Going
ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture sponsored project on
"AICRP on Women in Agriculture", project cost Rs.192 Lakh
The All India Coordinated Research Project on Women in Agriculture (AICRP-WIA) formerly known as AICRP-Home Science was initiated as a measure to build a strong foundation for Research and Extension in the State Agricultural Universities aimed at enhancing the standard of living for rural people. The project was initiated during the VI Five year plan period and later merged with DRWA in XI Five year plan period. All five components of community Science namely, Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, Family Resource Management, Child Development and Home Science Extension Education are the integral part of AICRP. Since 2021, the AICRP- Home Science renamed as AICRP on Women in Agriculture. The project emerges, envisioned to fortify the research and extension arms dedicated to improve the lives of farm families especially farm women with the vision to emerge as a leading centre for gender research and serve as a catalyst for gender mainstreaming and women empowerment in agriculture to realize, enhance productivity and sustainability of agriculture. The mandates of the project are Research on gender issues in agriculture and allied fields, gender equitable agricultural policies/ programmes and gender sensitive agricultural sector responses, and coordinate research on women in agriculture. At present, the AICRP on WIA is being implemented through its thirteen centres located in different SAUs.
Salient achievements under AICRP-WIA, AAU, Jorhat
1. Commercialization of two numbers of natural dyes. 2. MoU is in progress between Directorate of Child and Women Development, ICAR- Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubhaneshwar and AAU for the technology module entitled " Reproductive health care for psychological well being of married women" developed under AICRP-WIA (CD Component). 3. Establishment of two resource centres on " Ergonomic agricultural small tools and implements" for benefit of farm women to reduce drudgery at Dhemaji district and Jorhat district of Assam.4. Commercialization of Ginger peeling Knife.5. Linkages developed State level: State Rural Livelihood Mission of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Sikkim District level: Samagrah Shikha Abhiyan, PM POSHAN, District administration Government: KVKs, State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development Private: Tea gardens 6. Nine numbers of entrepreneurs developed through trainings organized by the AICRP-WIA, AAU, Jorhat Centre- Two processing and preservation enterprises at Nalbari- Two millet based processing enterprise at Jorhat- Organic soap making enterprise at Dambuk, Arunachal Pradesh- Tailoring unit named as "Sampriti Boutique" at Nakachari, Mariani, Jorhat- Handmade Jewellery products shop at Jorhat- Decorative candle making unit at Dambuk, Arunachal Pradesh 7. Four numbers of technologies namely "Pratikar, Poshtik, and Nutrient Dense Multigrain Mix and Protein Energy Bar" were developed under FN Component 8. Five numbers of technologies namely "Bamboo Ladle for parboiling of rice, Wooden Plank for Fly shuttle loom, Lemon harvester for Assam lemon, ginger peeling knife, and grain paddy picker for storage of paddy grains" were developed under FRM Component 9. Two numbers of technologies namely " Extraction of non conventional fibres from bark of Cotton rose (Hibiscus mutabilis) plant and design amalgamation for handloom weaving with extra weft techniques were developed under CT Component 10. Two numbers of technology modules namely " Reproductive health care for Psychological well being of married women and Effective parenting for young children" were developed under CD Component 11. One ICT Module: An Innovative Approach for empowering Farm Women and One Climate Smart Intervention Model: A New Approach for empowering Farm women were developed under Extension Component. 12. Certificate of appreciation was inferred to AICRP-WIA by honourable Vice - Chancellor of AAU, Jorhat on 15th August, 2024 on the occasion of Independence Day.