AICRP on Soybean, AAU, Jorhat
AICRP on Soybean, AAU, Jorhat
On Going
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP ON SOYBEAN", project cost Rs.67 Lakh The project AICRP on soybean was sanctioned in the year 2000 and implemented in 2001 at Biswanath College of Agriculture, Biswanath Charali under Assam Agricultural University. Thereafter, the project was shifted to the Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013 in 2018. The project comprises of two disciplines viz., Plant Breeding and Plant Pathology. Since the implementation of the project, a number technologies has been identified/developed for the benefit of the farmers.
Identification/development varieties
1. The varieties KDS 753, JS 20-116, Dsb 32 and MACS 1407 were released for North Eastern Hill Zone of India including Assam based on the tests conducted in this zone.
2. The variety JS 97-52 has been recommended for NBPZ of Assam.
3. The variety KDS 753 has been recommended to be included in package of practices for kharif crops of Assam based on station and on farm trials in 20243.
4. The newly developed lines viz., AAU JRS 18, AAU JRS 16 and AAU JRS 05 showed promising performance in comparison to the check JS 20-116.
5. The genotypes SL 1315 in IVT (NM), and AMS 2021-4 and Pusa Sipani 433 recorded significantly higher seed yield in comparison to the respective checks.