The Project started on May 21, 1975 during the V Five Year Plan Period at 6 centres with IARI, New Delhi as the Coordinating Centre and other Centres located at TNAU, Coimbatore; APAU, Hyderabad; PAU, Ludhiana; MPKV, Rahuri and ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong. The Coordinating centre and the Coimbatore centre were given the status of Zonal Research Centres and the responsibility of establishing the prototype manufacturing workshop. The Coordinating Cell of the scheme was shifted from IARI, New Delhi to CIAE, Bhopal in September, 1977. There are now 25 centres working on two or more of the five distinct activities under the Project.
The activities under AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery include design and development/adaption of need based farm implements, their prototype manufacturing for multi-location trials, prototype feasibility testing to adapt new designs based on mechanization gaps and front line demonstration of proven designs to prove their efficacy, obtain feedback for design refinement and commercialization. The promotion of custom hiring activity was also taken up under the project during XII Five Year Plan.
To identify the mechanization gaps and future needs of improved farm tools and equipment for different Agro-climatic regions, crops and operations, and conduct research and development, prototype production, feasibility testing, frontline demonstration and promotion of manufacturing through industrial extension.