AICRP on Agro Meteorology, AAU, Jorhat
The All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM) was initiated
by ICAR in May 1983 with the establishment of coordinating cell at the Central Research
Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad with 12 Cooperating Centres at various State
Agricultural Universities. Later, in the year 1995, another 13 cooperating centres were added including the AICRPAM, Jorhat centre in the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, AAU. The Quinquennial Review Team has reviewed the research
progress of the project in 1992, 1998-99, 2006, 2011, 2017 and 2024. The objective of this project is- to study the agricultural climate in relation to crop planning and assessment of crop
production potentials; establishing crop-weather relationships for major rainfed and irrigated crops; studying the influence of weather on the incidence and spread of pests and diseases
in field crops; evaluating adaptation strategies in crops against weather aberrations
and finally to provide research support for the agromet advisory services in different agro-climatic zones.
The overall technical programme of the project has been outlined under five different broad themes,
1. Agroclimatic Characterization
2. Crop-Weather Relationship
3. Crop Growth Modelling
4. Weather Effects on Pests and Diseases
5. Agromet Advisory Services
On Going
ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad sponsored project on
"National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA-AICRPAM)", project cost Rs.9 Lakh
National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a flagship
project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) launched in
March, 2011 in the XI Plan Period to comprehensively address the issue of
climate change. The main objective of the project
AICRPAM-NICRA project is to strengthen Agromet
advisory services at microlevel and to make the advisories available to more
number of farmers. The project was initiated with
the following objectives:
1. To
create weather and crop information acquisition and monitoring system through
AWS and Field Information Facilitators’ (FIF) network.
Delineating hotspots for weather anomalies at micro level through benchmark
survey and climatic analysis at selected districts/villages/sites for principal
cropping/farming systems.
Quantification of crop responses to weather and its extremes by integrating
statistical and dynamic modeling.
Customizing micro-level agromet
advisories and their dissemination through ICTs.
Development of strategies to combat weather extremes through field
Conduct awareness/training programs on climate change, and workshops for
capacity building on agromet
ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad sponsored project on
"All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology ", project cost Rs.25 Lakh
Salient Achievement of AICRPAM and NICRA project:
1. Developed Agrometeorological requirement of Rice and Potato for the UBVZ of Assam.2. Delineate Climatic Characterization of the Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam.
3. Developed Crop-Weather Calendar for Sali rice and Kharif Green gram. 4. Developed statistical model for yield prediction of Sali rice and kharif green gram. 5. Prepared more than 10 numbers of extension bulletins for creating awareness on climate change and agromet advisory services among the farmers and different stakeholders. 6. Developed genetic coefficients of three Sali rice cultivars for performing simulation studies in DSSAT model. 7. Published salient findings of the project work in above 6.0 NAAS rated journal. 8. Adjudged Best AICRPAM Centre award based on overall performance in the year 2017-18. 9. Adjudged Best AICRPAM Centre award for Dissemination of Agromet advisory services for the year 2015-16.