ICAR-AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management (Ornithology) AAU-ZRS, NL
About the Project
The Project AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management (erstwhile “AINP on Agricultural Ornithology”) was implemented at Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat campus from April 2009 during the XI five Year Plan vide ADG (PP), ICAR, New Delhi Sanction Letter no. (F. No. 10-1/2009-PP Dated 29- 01-2009) The Project was transferred to AAU- Zonal Research Station, North Lakhimpur ( Erstwhile RARS, Lakhimpur,) on 13th November 2009.
Conflict of birds with human interests on one hand and their usefulness to mankind on the other make them very important biotic component of the ecosystem. Birds have attracted the keenest interest of ornithologist, both amateur and professional. Agricultural ornithology aims at obtaining scientific information on birds in relation to agriculture and using this information for their management.Although Assam is predominantly an agrarian state, studies in agricultural ornithology was largely ignored until 2009. The subject received a major boost when the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) accorded sanction to implement All India Network Project (AINP) on Agricultural Ornithology (presently known as Vertebrate Pest Management) at AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur erstwhile Regional Agricultural Research Station, under Assam Agricultural University (AAU) in April 2009 during IX Five year plan period
Research mandates AINP on
Agricultural Ornithology
v To
undertake multi-location surveys of key bird species affecting agricultural
crops and to assess crop losses.
v To study
the population dynamics and community structure of depredatory birds on crops.
v To study
the food, feeding habits and breeding biology of depredatory and beneficial
v To
understand the beneficial role of birds to use them as a component of IPM.
v To evolve
eco-friendly management strategies for depredatory birds.
After nearly 50 years, an “unprecedented epidemic” has hit Assam’s agriculture sector in the form of large- scale Rice swarming caterpillar (Spodoptera mauritia) attack on Sali paddy in 2016. Eight species birds were recorded as important bird predator of swarming caterpillar among which three species were found to be insectivorous and five were omnivorous species . Eastern Cattle-Egret was most abundant species followed by Common and Jungle Myna found as potential swarming caterpillar control agents
Installation of artificial Barn Owl Nest Box on tree trunk at a height of 10-15 m near to agricultural land during October is effective for conservation and propagation of Barn owl to control rodents in crop field and godown
Advantage of nest box: Nest boxes are of great benefit, especially in areas where there is plenty of food available but a shortage of suitable nesting or roosting sites. Barn owl is a bird of open country/farmland. Almost any tall rural building can become an ideal roosting and nesting site when a nest box is provided. Once a nest box was used by Barn owl they continued to nest there in subsequent seasons.
Dimension of structure: 16 inch (L) x 18 inch (W) x 18 inches (H) with a an entrance hole of 6 inches diameter and side holes in both the sides for ventilation. The entry hole should be kept above 6 inches from the floor of the box.
Materials: The nest box can be constructed from 19 mm soft wood ply or soft wood or tea-chest.
Total 56 species of birds were recorded from study area starting from seed sowing to harvesting stage of paddy crop growth in North Bank Plain Zone of Assam .This is 58.3% occurrence in relation to total birds recorded in Agril Landscape in the zone. Results revealed highest 28 species during tillering stage followed by 27 species during milky stage and 24 species at ripening stage. A total of 43 species (44.7% occurrence in relation to total birds recorded in Agril Landscape in the zone) recorded in Homestead garden. 17 bird species were recorded in different growth stages of mustard crop which is 17.7 % occurrence in relation to total birds recorded in Agril Landscape in the zone
Benefited 6678 individual tribal farmers belongs under developed tribal districts of Assam identified by planning Commission through large scale demonstration and farmers participatory research on bird and Higher vertebrate pest management technologies and free input supply with the ICAR fund received under STC programmes. Organized and conducted around awareness meeting, training, exhibition, on farm demonstrations with farmer’s participation and Krishi mela last fourteen years.Documented 9 traditional knowledge methods in control of harmful birds in different crops with nature of effect.
Kisan Mela & Exhibition under Tribal Sub Plan:
Sl.no | Year | Event | Duration (Days) | No of farmers benefited |
1 | 2016-2017 | Bird Bio-diversity fair ; organized exhibition, awareness meeting followed by distribution of bird scaring devices and nest boxes | 1 | 75 |
2 | 2018-2019 | Zonal farmer meet & Agri Exhibition 2018 | 1 | 500 |
1. Saikia, P. (2022). Samaj Sahitya Bigyan. (Science & Society.) North Lakhimpur College( Autonomous) Publications, Notrth Lakhimpur, ISBN:978-81-956154-4-5
2. Saikia, P. (2022). ENTOMOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION. North Lakhimpur College( Autonomous) Publications, North Lakhimpur, Assam, ISBN:978-81-956154-5-2
3. SAIKIA, P. (2020). Aamar Parivesh.( Our Environment) NATURE’S BECKON, Dhubri, Assam
4. SAIKIA, P. (2019). Aamar Gaonphura Coraibur. ( Birds of countryside ) NATURE’S BECKON, Dhubri, Assam, ISBN:978-81-936466-8-7
5. Saikia, P. (2006). Patangar Bisitra Prithivi (The World of Insect) Lakhimpur Science Society ,North Lakhimpur Assam
Saikia Prabal. 2029. Pictorial Guidebook on important bird of Agro ecosystem
Book Chapters: |
Saikia Prabal (2009) .Community Biodiversity Management: Public Awareness Approaches in managing Homestead Diversity in Assam. In : Promoting Conservation and sustainable use of agro biodiversity in NE India, Borgohain, R.; Pathak, P.K.; (Eds), AAU,Jorhat, Assam, pp 143-147.2009 |
Saikia Prabal (2013) .Avifaunal diversity in agricultural ecosystem in Assam. In: Ecosystem Services and Functions of Birds, R, Jayapa (Ed), SACON, Coimbatore, pp 93-95, ISBN: 81-902136-0-4. 2013 |
Saikia Prabal . (2014). Agricultural Ornithology: An Assam Perspective. In Science Galaxy published by Dibru College, Assam, pp 408, (ISBN 978-93-82283-67-6) 2014 |
Saikia Prabal.(2016). Winged Beauty of Assam. In Eastern bugle - A Souvenir 76th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, AAU, Jorhat , 21-23 November, 2016.Pp 56-58 |
Saikia Prabal . (2018). Pest Management in Organic Cultivation through Predatory Birds. In Compendium Book. ICAR sponsored 21 days National level training on “Recent development in organic production systems” 7-27 Feb 2018, Centre for Advanced Faculty Training ( CAFT), AAU, Pp235 |
Saikia Prabal . (2019). Spider as Bio control Agent in Organic Farming: a case study in Rice Agro ecosystems of Assam. In Organic agriculture and Soil health, , Centre for Advanced Faculty Training ( CAFT), AAU.Pp303 |
Sarma, P.K.; Barua, N.; Borah, R.; Sonowal, A.; Kalita, R.; Neog, P; Saikia, Prabal and Gogoi, N.(2022). Adaptation Strategies for Climate Variability in the High Rainfall Zone of India. In : Climate change-Recent Observations, Epule, T.E.; Epule, D.; (Eds), Intechopen,DOI: HTTP://dx.doiorg/10.5772/intechopen.107045, pp 1-24, ISBN:DO.
Saikia Prabal (2023). Bird check list of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat campus. In Rambling in and around AAU, Jorhat , B.K Sarmah and M.V Deshpande ( Ed), DBT-NE Centre for Agricultural Biotecgnology, AAU, Jorhat |
Saikia, Prabal (2023). Diverse Birds of North East India. in : Sustainable Use of Bioresearches in North East India, Das, R.; Patgiri, P.; Deka, B.; Sarmah, A.K.; (Eds), College of Agriculture, Jorhat, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, pp 193-202, ISBN:978-81-963002-3-4. |
Saikia, Prabal (2023). Role of Insectivorous Birds in IPM. In Souvenir Book , Centenary year of AAU- Assam Rice Research Station, Titabar , Assam, S.K Chetia (Ed) pp.79-83 |
Technical & Extension bulletins/folders:
Year | Extension /technical bulletins |
2011 | Role of Birds in Agriculture |
2011 | Conservation of Sparrow |
2013 | Some important predatory birds in Agricultural landscape of Assam |
2013 | Key bird species affecting Agricultural Crops in Assam |
2015 | Nest boxes for the Barn owl : A Breeding Success |
2015 | Rose- ringed Parakeet : Damage and eco friendly management in Agriculture
2016 | Checklist of Birds of Dakshinpat Satra in Majuli, Assam
2016 | Rat management through Barn owl |
2018 | Birds of economic importance in agricultural landscape of Assam |
2018 | Residential birds of Assam and conservation strategies |
2020 | Management of depredatory birds |
2022 | Biodiversity at AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur – Green Audit |
2023 | Agri-Solar: Ecofriendly Monkey Management Strategy in Crop Field |
Popular articles
Year of publications | Title of the popular Articles |
2011 | Chirp of the sparrow, The Assam Tribune, 19 March 2011 |
2014 | A festival of feather: saving the sparrow. The Assam Tribune, 19 March, 2014 |
Research publications: |
Saikia Prabal 2009. Prevalence and Influence of Paddy stem borers in Deep Water Rice of Assam. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 17(2):461-462 |
D. Das and Prabal Saikia 2010. Indigenous Technical Knowledge for management of Rice Pests in Assam. Ann Pl Protec. Sci. 18(1): 123-126 |
Saikia Prabal (2010). Participatory Agro biodiversity Assessment in Assam. In Proc. International seminar on Biodiversity NEHU, Shillong, 21-23 December, 2010. Pp 23-26 |
Saikia Prabal (2011). Mainstreaming good practices of on-farm Agro- biodiversity Management in Lakhimpur district of Assam – lesson learned. In Proc. National Seminar on Biochemical and Biotechnological Research Approaches for Bio-resource Management of North East India Towards Sustainable Rural Development ,BN College of Agriculture ,Assam Agricultural Sonitpur, 11-12th November, 2011 |
Saikia Prabal (2012). Avian Community of Aquaculture in Flood Prone Lakhimpur District. In proc. Regional seminar on Strategy for Harnessing Fish Production Potentialities in Flood Affected Areas of Assam Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, 30-31 August, 2012. Pp 1-4 |
Saikia Prabal (2012). Predatory Birds in Agro ecosystem and Role in Insect Pest Management in Organic and Conventional Farming System. In Proc. National Seminar on Organic Farming. Planning Commission, GOI. Jorhat, 16-17 November , 2012.Pp65-69 |
Saikia Prabal (2013). Bari System of Assam as repository of Birds In Proc. 58 th Technical session of Assam Science Society, Guwahati University, 7-8 Feb 2013.Pp48-52 |
Saikia Prabal (2013). Impact of weather on behavioral changes of water bird – A case study in Satajan wetland of Northern Assam. In Proc. National Seminar on Climate change and Climate Resilient Agriculture. BNCA, AAU, B. Chariali 18-19 March, 2013. Pp112-116 |
Saikia Prabal (2013). Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights. In Compendium .Regional workshop on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights March 24-26, 2013 AAU, Jorhat Pp 55-57 |
Saikia Prabal (2013) Avifaunal diversity in the agricultural ecosystem of Assam In Proc. National conference on “Agro biodiversity Management for Sustainable Rural Development” 14--15 October 2013 at NAARM, Hyderabad.Pp77-81 |
Saikia Prabal (2014). Heronry Inhabitants of Bamboo grove in Homestead garden. In Proc. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Bamboo Research and Development in India. 6-7 February 2014 Rain Forest Research Institute , MoEF, GoI, Jorhat , Assam. Pp. 101-105 |
Saikia Prabal (2014). Impact of Mobile Towers on Birds and Bees. Proceedings UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Impact on Cellphone Radiation on Environment (IBCN 978 81 925433 83) 17 & 18 th October 2014, Dhing College, Assam. Pp33-38 |
Saikia Prabal (2014). Effect of radiation from cell phone towers and wireless devices on agricultural crops – a review. Proceedings UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Impact on Cellphone Radiation on Environment (IBCN 978 81 925433 83) 17 & 18 th October 2014, Dhing College, Assam. Pp39-44 |
Saikia Prabal (2015). Identification of Rodent and Insectivore Prey Species in diet of Barn owl, Tyota alba Stertens by Pellet Analysis. In Proc. National Seminar on ‘Harnessing Science for Societal Development’. 60th Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, 21 March, 2015. Pp52-55 |
Saikia Prabal (2016). Checklist of Birds of Dakhinpat Satra in Majuli : the biggest River Island of the world. Green Letter, 35( 13): 2-6 |
Saikia Prabal (2016).Diversity in Agricultural landscape of Northern Assam. In Proc. UGC sponsored National seminar on Biodiversity degradation and its impact with special reference to North East India 18-19 February, 2016, Madhabdev College, Assam. Pp.13-16 |
Saikia Prabal . (2018). Bird diversity in agricultural landscapes of Majuli River Island, Assam. In Proc. International conference Climate changes, Biodiversity and sustainable Agriculture (ICCBSA-2018). 13-16 December, 2018 , AAU ,Assam |
Rohila , M; Roy, P; Chowdhury, D; Sharma K; Prabal Saikia and Mondal Tapan (2019). Bao Dhan of Assam: organically grown indigenous rice slated to increase farmer’s income. Current Science 116 (5): 707-708, |
Borkotoki B; Das .K. N. Basumatary, A and Prabal Saikia (2019). Effect of STCR fertilizer prescription combined with IPNS on performance of normal and late sown Toria J. Soils and Crops. 29(2):391-395 |
Saikia Prabal (2019). Implementation of Tribal Sub Plan activities in Assam, Rodent Newsletter, 43(4), 13-14 |
Gogoi N. K; Chowdhury D.; Saikia Prabal and Sharma, K. (2020). Screening of Red-kernelled Deep-Water Rice Germplasm of Assam, India for Disease and Pest Resistance. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 9(11): 487-496. |
Borkotoki B; Sarma Banashree; Sarma K and Saikia Prabal (2021). Modified Homestead Method of Azolla Cultivation: A Novel Low – cost Farming Method, Journal of Soils and Crops, 34(2), 197-203 |
Saikia Prabal 2022. Emerging trends in Environment conservation and Eco friendly Pest management In Proc. National Seminar Emerging trends in Environment – conservation –public awareness. Madhabdev University, Assam , 8 April, 2022 |
Saikia Prabal.2023. Traditional knowledge for Pest Management. In Proc. National Conference on DHARA : Bharatiya Paramparik Krishi Mela Ministry of Education, GoI, Tezpur University, 04-06 June 2023 |
N.K. Gogoi, Prabal Saikia and M. Saikia. 2023. Promotion of sustainable livelihood security of tribal farmers of Dhemaji district, Assam through scientific maize cultivation and pig rearing. In Proc ICBFSCC - 2023 AAU, Jorhat, April 2023 |
Saikia Prabal.2023. Agricultural Ornithological Research at Assam Agricultural University. In Proc ICBFSCC -2023 AAU, Jorhat, April 2023 |
N.K. Gogoi, D. Chowdhury, Prabal . Saikia and M. Saikia. 2023. Impact of improved production technology of mustard(Brassica juncea) in Dhemaji district of Assam through Frontline Demonstrations In Proc ICBFSCC -2023 AAU, Jorhat, April 2023
Saikia Prabal.2023. Bird diversity in agricultural landscape. In Proc. International conference Next-Gen Preparedness for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability. 22-24 November 2023 AAU-ARRI, Titabar, Assam |
Borkotoki B, Bhattacharyya, D; Sharma, K and Saikia Prabal (2024). Soil nutrient mapping of the Lakhimpur district of Assam using; geospatial technology. Annals of Plant and Soil Research 26(1): 1-13https://doi.org/10.47815/apsr.2024.10326 |
Saikia Prabal and Phukon Bithika (2024). Reproductive cycle of Barn Owl Tyto alba in artificial nest box and diet analysis in agro- ecosystem of Assam. In Proc. National conference on Achieving sustainable goals in challenged Agro ecosystems March 03-05, 2024, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur |
Phukon Bithika and Saikia Prabal (2024). An eco-friendly, low cost Drive Away ITK artificial dummy bird for management of bird pest nuisance in agricultural field. In Proc. National conference on Achieving sustainable goals in challenged Agro ecosystems March 03-05, 2024, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur |
Saikia Prabal 2024. Bird Diversity in River Eco-system of Assam In Proc. National Seminar Socio-Economic valuation of Rivers of North East India. 15 March 2024 , Madhabdev University, Assam |
Saikia Prabal 2024. Avifaunal Diversity in Aquaculture. In Proc. National seminar Socio-Economic Issues and Status of Fishermen of Subansiri river, Assam: Policy Drafting for Livelihood Enhancement. ICSSR 28-29 June 2024, Silapathar Science College, Assam |
i) Applied Zoologists Research Association (AZRA), ICAR-Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI), Cuttack, India has selected Dr. Prabal Saikia to confer AZRA Fellowship Award for the year 2014 for substantial research contribution in the field of Applied Entomology and Agricultural Ornithology.
ii) State Parivesh Mitra (Friend of Environment) Honour 2023 conferred by Govt. of Assam to Dr. Prabal Saikia on 5 June 2023 for his contribution in the field of Environment and biodiversity conservation.
iii) Dr. Prabal Saikia was appointed as Honorary Wildlife warden, Department of Forest & Environment Govt. of Assam from 2017 to 2019.
iv) Expert Member, Aerodrome Environment Management Committee (AEMC), Airport Authority of India, Lilabari airport, Assam.
v) Consultancy service has been providing for bird management in Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati ; Swami Vivekananda Airport ,Raipur ; Air Force Station Dinjan and Tezpur in Assam since 2019
vi) External Question paper setter for Course No. PPS- 322 (Insect Pest of vegetables, ornamental & spice crops), College of Horticulture & Forestry, CAU, Pasighat, AP (May, 2017).
vii) External Examiner and PG Thesis Evaluator for M.Sc students of Department of Zoology , Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana, since 2022.
viii) Dr. Prabal Saikia has visited under on exploratory study cum exposure visit to Vietnam as one of the members of 16 scientific team members of Assam Agricultural University (AAU) under the World Bank supported APART project from 16th to 24th November, 2022.
Technical Programme during Rabi, 2023-24
Sl. No. | Title of the Experiment | AIPAICRP/STATE/ Location specific | Year of Start | Researcher(s) involved | Completed/ Continuing | Proposal for Recommendation |
1 | Habitat analysis and distribution of major vertebrate pests a) Birds in rice- rice, rice-Toria & b) Monkey & squirrel in Homestead farming system |
2019 |
Prabal Saikia Chief Scientist & PI | Continuing |
Integrated Agri. Solar Fencing Solution (Solar Energizer) to minimize Monkey menace from crop fields.
(Developed by ICAR-AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management, PJTSAU & Gamyam Technologies Pvt Ltd. & Proposed by Dr. Prabal Saikia, CS & PI, AINP on VPM,AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur) |
2 | Assessment of losses due to vertebrate pests in predominant cropping systems. a) Depredatory Birds in Sugarcane, fruits and Deep Water Rice b) Monkey in Agro ecosystems |
2023 | Prabal Saikia | Continuing | |
3 | Vertebrate Pest Management as farmers Participatory Adaptive Research for refinement of management technologies a) Evaluation and Demonstrations of solar and auditory devices for vertebrate pest management in agriculture |
2022 | Prabal Saikia | Continuing | |
4 | Depredatory bird ( Purple Moorhen) management in Deep water Rice | ICAR-AINPVPM | 2023 | Prabal Saikia | Continuing |
Technical Programme to be proposed for 2024-25
Sl. No. | Title of the Experiment | AINP/AICRP/STATE/ Location specific | Year of Start | Researcher involved |
1 | Habitat Analysis and distribution of major Vertebrate pests · Birds, Monkey & Wild Pig in rice- rice, rice- rapeseed – toria-vegetables & Homestead farming system.
| ICAR-AINP on VPM | 2019 |
Dr. Prabal Saikia. PI
( Associate Scientist) |
2 | Assessment of losses due to vertebrates in predominant cropping systems The assessment of crop losses to be conducted under the following subthemes under the programme a) Depredatory Birds in rice- rice , Sugarcane, fruit crops and maize agro-ecosystem b) Monkey in homestead farming system c) Rodent in rice-vegetable cropping system d) Wild Pig in field & Vegetable Crops
| ICAR-AINP on VPM | 2023 |
Dr. Prabal Saikia
Bithika Phukan ( Associate Scientist)
3 | Development and refinement of management technologies for problematic rodents, birds and higher vertebrates (Low-cost animal scarring devices and easy to use repellents against vertebrate pest animals in rice & vegetable cropping system | ICAR-AINP on VPM | 2022 |
Dr. Prabal Saikia
Bithika Phukan |
4 | Vertebrate Pest Management as farmers Participatory Adaptive Research in adopted villages Demonstration of vertebrate pest management techniques developed by AINPVPM in selected locations ( Lakhimpur , Biswanath & Sivasagar districts in North bank Plain and Upper Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam) | ICAR-AINP on VPM | 2023 |
Dr. Prabal Saikia
Targeted activities and Experimental details: 2024-25, AINP on VPM (Ornithology), ZRS, North Lakhimpur
1. Habitat Analysis and distribution of major Vertebrate pests
> Targeted activity: Birds, wild pig and Monkey in rice- rice, rice- maize, vegetable & Homestead farming system.
> Experimental details : In 3 agro climatic zones( NBPZ, CBVZ, UBVZ) of Assam on Species abundance, population density and spatial distribution
2. Assessment of losses due to vertebrates in predominant cropping systems
>Targeted activity : Wild boar damage assessment in Maize in NBPZ, Monkey damage pattern in Maize, Vegetables in UBVZ &NBPZ, Birds in sugarcane in UBVZ
>Experimental details : Large scale assessment through interviews, state data and data determine through spot assessment & experiments
3. Development and refinement of management technologies for problematic rodents, birds and higher vertebrates
>Targeted activity : Wild boar – vegetables , Maize
Technologies – Mechanical methods, Repellents and integrated management modules.
Monkey – Rice & vegetables in homestead farming system
>Experimental details : AINPVPM technologies ,Mechanical & animal scarring devices
4. Vertebrate Pest Management as farmers Participatory Adaptive Research in adopted villages
>Targeted activity: Demonstration of Vertebrate pest management technologies in selected villages of a few districts and under TSP.
>Experimental details: Evaluation of awareness and adoption of Technologies by farmers. KAP analysis, FLD of technology, large scale demonstration. ( NBPZ, CBVZ, UBVZ). Assessment of impact of technology on yield enhancement and economic benefits derived
Year: 2024-2025
Year | Share | RC | NRC | TSP | P&A | TA |
2024-2025 | ICAR | 1425000 | 0 | 350000 | 3600000 | 75000 |
State | 475000 | 0 | 0 | 1200000 | 25000 | |
Total (Rs.) | 1900000 | 0 | 350000 | 4800000 | 100000 |
Recommendation :The Farmer - Rhesus Monkey conflict in agricultural crop fields can be minimized by installing the integrated Agri - solar power fencing system for crop protection.The Agri- solar energizer uses 12V input solar energy, generate electrical shocks to the higher vertebrates. The shock from an electric fence causes no physical damage to animals and humans beings and if they are forced to enter the fence, experience mild jerk and thus helps saving of the crop from being damaged
AINP on VPM, AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur
(1st January 2024 to 20th December 2024)
1. MLT/OFT conducted: 2 Nos
2. Technology generated, recommended, notified/commercialized/Lisencing:
Integrated Agri. Solar Fencing Solution (Solar Energizer) to minimize Wild animals menace (Monkey) from crop fields developed by ICAR-AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management, PJTSAU & Gamyam Technologies Pvt Ltd.(Prposed by Dr. Prabal saikia, CS & PI, AINP on VPM,AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur
3. Biodiversity explored and conserved (new germplasm/microbial identified/registered): NA
4. Number of patents filed/published: NA
5. Involvement in competitive research projects: Dr. P Saikia, P.I, AINP on VPM, involved as Coordinator, DBT, GoI supported research project entitled “Genome wide association mapping for identification of novel genes/QTLs of Bao rice population of Assam for deep water tolerance and nutritional quality traits” AAU-ZRS, North Lakhimpur & ICAR-NIPBT, New Delhi.
6. Intra and Inter Institutional Collaboration (department/state/national/international): Krishi Vigyan Kendras & constituent Colleges of AAU, Dept. of Agriculture, State Govt. of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, KVK Paren, Nagaland, Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI)-Assam, Gogamukh
7. Publications and citations:
1) Borkotoki B, Bhattacharyya, D; Sharma, K and Saikia Prabal (2024). Soil nutrient mapping of the Lakhimpur district of Assam using; geospatial technology. Annals of Plant and Soil Research 26(1): 1-13https://doi.org/10.47815/apsr.2024.10326
2) Saikia Prabal and Phukon Bithika (2024). Reproductive cycle of Barn Owl Tyto alba in artificial nest box and diet analysis in agro- ecosystem of Assam. In Proc. National conference on Achieving sustainable goals in challenged Agro ecosystems March 03-05, 2024, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur
3) Phukon Bithika and Saikia Prabal (2024). An eco-friendly, low cost Drive Away ITK artificial dummy bird for management of bird pest nuisance in agricultural field. In Proc. National conference on Achieving sustainable goals in challenged Agro ecosystems March 03-05, 2024, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur
4) Saikia Prabal 2024. Bird Diversity in River Eco-system of Assam In Proc. National Seminar Socio-Economic valuation of Rivers of North East India. 15 March 2024 , Madhabdev University, Assam
5) Saikia Prabal 2024. Avifaunal Diversity in Aquaculture. In Proc. National seminar Socio-Economic Issues and Status of Fishermen of Subansiri river, Assam: Policy Drafting for Livelihood Enhancement. ICSSR 28-29 June 2024, Silapathar Science College, Assam
8. Development of mobile/computer apps: NA
9. Revenue generation (Rs. in Lakhs): NA
10. Research Paper Reviewer, Project Evaluator, National Level Committee Member
11. Recognition and awards: State Parivesh Mitra (Friend of Environment) Honour 2023 conferred by Govt. of Assam to Dr. Prabal Saikia on 28 February 2024 for his contribution in the field of Environment and biodiversity conservation.
12. Salient Research Achievements:
1) Community structure of bird and their diversity in relation to crop stages 185 bird species recorded in Agricultural Landscape of Assam till March 2024. Total of 56 species of birds were recorded from seed sowing to harvesting stage of paddy crop growth in North Bank Plain Zone of Assam. This is 58.3% occurrence in relation to total birds recorded in Agricultural Landscape in the zone. Results revealed highest 28 species during tillering stage followed by 27 species during milky stage and 24 species at ripening stage. A total of 43 species recorded in Homestead garden. 17 bird species were recorded in different growth stages of mustard crop.
2) Solar fencing (AGRI-SOLAR), a potential method to reduce the problem of intrusion by higher vertebrates (Monkey and wild boar) . The Agri Solar Energizer uses 12 V input solar energy, generate electrical shock to the higher vertebrates
3) Low cost HDPE net of 5 cm mesh and 1.5 mm thickness using bamboo poles of 8 feet in height found to protect Rabi and Kharif vegetables and effective in preventing monkeys entry in to the crop fields
4) Use of ECO-Gun and wrapping of maize cobs in outer 3 rows significantly reduced the cob damage by parakeets.
5) A survey on wild pig incidence in Assam was initiated from April to June 2024. Three development blocks viz., Orang, Biswanath and Behali under North Bank plain and two blocks viz., Raja Mayong (Pobitora) in Morigaon district and Kaliabor in Nagaon district under Central Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam . The wild pig affected crop fields were located nearer to Kaziranga Natural Park and Pobitora Wildlife sanctuary. Paddy field, Maize, vegetables, Chilli, Colocacia were recorded to be damaged by wild pig.
13. Any other (please specify): N/A