Department:AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia
Office Email:monuj.gogoi[at]
Other Charges:Security In Charge
Education Details
B.Sc. (Agriculture)
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
M.Sc. Agriculture
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
PhD (Agri.)
Assam Agricultural University
25-06-2021 -
Till date
Scientist (Plant Pathology)
AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station
Monuj Gogoi; Dilip K. Sarmah; Lohit C. Bora; Iswar C. Barua
Management of root rot disease of patchouli caused by Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc. through fungicide, bioagent and oilcake in Field,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,
, DOI :
Monuj Gogoi; Dilip Kumar Sarmah; Sakendra Ali
Cultural and morphological variations of Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. Causing root rot of patchouli in Assam, India,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,
, DOI :
Gogoi, M.; Barua, P. and Bharali, A.(2023). Livelihood development of women farmers in rural Assam through Scientific mushroom cultivation. in : Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions in Assam; Challenges, Experiences and Success Stories , Barua, P.; Dutta, P. and Konwar, M.J. Chetia, S.K.; (Eds), AAU-ARRI, Titabar, Jorhat, Assam-785630,Assam Agricultural University, AAU-ARRI, Titabar, Jorhat, Assam-785630, pp 59-65, ISBN:978-81-951213-2-8.
Bora, L.C.; Bora, P. and Gogoi, M.(2020). Potential of Trichoderma spp. for Pest Management and Plant Growth Promotion in NE India. in : Trichoderma Host Pathogen Interactions and Application, Sharma, A.K.; Sharma, P. (Eds), Springer,Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, pp 205-220, ISBN:978-981-15-3321-1.
kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Saud, B.K.; Fatma, J. and Borah, M.(2023). Morpho-Physiochemical studies of Khasi Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) genotypes in Tinsukia district of Assam, India Asian Citrus Congress-23; Advancing Citriculture for Agro-economic Prosperity ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India ,Indian Society of Citriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India,Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, Vol. 1(1), 143 - .
Kakoti, R.K.; Fatma, J.; Boruah, F.; Baruah, U. and Gogoi, M.(2022). SEROLOGICAL DETECTION OF CITRUS TRISTEZA VIRUS FROM DIFFERENT CITRUS GERMPLASM OF TINSUKIA DISTRICT OF ASSAM ndian Phytopathological Society North Eastern Zonal Symposium and National Conference On “Reframing Futuristic Plant Health Safeguards Department of Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat ,Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam,Jorhat, Vol. 1(1), 82 - .
Gogoi, M. and Sarmah, D.K.(2018). Effect of different supplements on the yield and dietary values of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sapidus Kalchbr.). 70th Annual Meeting and National Symposium of Indian Phytopathological Society. AAU, Jorhat ,Assam Agricultural University and Indian Phytopathological Society.,Jorhat
Gogoi, M.; Sarmah, D.K.; Bora, L.C. and Barua, I.C.(2017). Management of root rot of patchouli [Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth.] caused by Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. and characterization of different isol National seminar on facilitating a shift from chemo-centric to organic mode of plant health management in the North East AAU, Jorhat ,Department of Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat.,Jorhat
Gogoi, M. and Bora, P.()Bigyan Bhittik Kathphular KheteAsomiya Khabar.0(0),9, Asomiya Khabar, Guwahati
Kakoti, R.K.; Baruah, K.; Borgohain, A.; Gogoi, M. and Chetia, S.K.(2024). Major Pests of Citrus and its management in North Eastern Region of India . AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia, Tinsukia
Kakoti, R.K.; Saud, B.K.; Gogoi, M. and Kalita, N.(2023). Technology Inventory under AICRP (F) AAU/DR/23/BU/689/2023-24. AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia, Tinsukia
Kalita, N.; Kakoti, R.K. and Saud, B.K.(2023). XumthiraTengabarir Pusti Byobosthapona (Assamese) AAU/DR/23/BU/687/2023-24. AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia, Tinsukia
Kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Kalita, N. and Saud, B.K.(2023). Tenga Jatio Sasyar Anistokari keet Potongo Aru Rogar Niyantran Kaushal (Assamese) AAU/DR/23/BU/688/2023-24. AAU-Citrus and Plantation Crops Research Station, Tinsukia, Tinsukia
Deka, S.; Mazumder, S.; Bhairovi, S.K.; Kalita, N.; Gogoi, M.; Sehgal, M. and Chander, S.(2022). Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in production and protection of Citrus. . CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Deka, S.; Mazumder, S.; Saud, B.K.; Kalita, N.; Gogoi, M.; Dutta, J.P. and Sehgal, M.(2022). Baigyanik Pathdhotire Nemu Kheti Koru Ahok. AAU/CRS/NCIPM-NEH/02/2022. CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Sarmah, D.K.; Gogoi, M.; Debnath, H.K. and Das, A.(2021). Milky Kathphular Krishi Padhotee. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Deka, S.; Sehgal, M.; Kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Mallik, M. and Chander, S.(2021). Bordeaux paste Aru Mixture Prostut Koru Ahok (Assamese); AAU/CRS/NCIPM/NEH/1/2021. CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Deka, S.; Sehgal, M.; Kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Mallik, M. and Chander, S.(2021). Gutibihin Tholua Asomiya Nemu Khete Koru Ahok. AAU/CRS/NCIPM/NEH/3/2021. CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Deka, S.; Seghal, M.; Kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Mallik, M. and Chander, S.(2021). Sumothira Tengar Pulibari Pato Ahok. Assamese. AAU/CRS/NCIPM/NEH/02/2021. CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Kakoti, R.K.; Dutta, J.P.; Deka, S. and Gogoi, M.(2021). Abanomito Komola Bagisha Samuhar Lobologia Parisarjya. Assamese. AAU/CRS/AGAS/01/2021. CRS, AAU, Tinsukia
Das, A.; Goswami, S. and Gogoi, M.(2019). Ada aru Halodhir Pradhan rog aru Iyar niyantran (In Assamese).. DR (Agri.), AAU, Jorhat.
Kakoti, R.K.; Gogoi, M.; Saud, B.K.; Kalita, N.; Fatma, J. and Borah, M.(0). Morpho-Physiochemical studies of Khasi Mandarin (Citrus reticulataBlanco) genotypes in Tinsukia district of Assam, India. Indian Society of Citriculture, Nagpur, India, ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Resource person for the Scientific Mushroom Cultivation training programme conducted by KVK (Dibrugarh, Sivasagar & Golaghat), MSSRF (RARS, Titabar), EEI-NER (AAU, Jorhat) and AICRPAM_NICRA, AAU, Jorhat.
DBT sponsored
project on
"Collection, Conservation, and morpho-phenological characterization of Citrus germplasm of North East region. (As CoPI)",
project cost Rs.3.67 Crore
implemented in 2021.
University Receipts, GIA-32 sponsored
project on
"Establishment of Plantation crops viz. Arecanut, Coconut, Coffee, Cocoa, Cashewnut & Cinnamon at AAU-CPCRS, Tinsukia",
project cost Rs.200000 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
Govt. of Assam sponsored
project on
"Establishment of Natural farming and Organic Agriculture under R & D",
project cost Rs.42.70 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan sponsored
project on
"Mega Project on rapeseed-Mustard Value Chain Development Through Promotion of Scientific Cultivation in Assam",
project cost Rs.285000 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
ICAR-AICRP (F); ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru sponsored
project on
"AICRP on Fruits",
project cost Rs.3200000 Lakh
implemented in 1976.
DBT, MST, GoI sponsored
project on
"Network Project for Establishment of disease free elite Khasi mandarin and Sweet Orange genetic stocks through shoot tip grafting (STG) and mass production of quality planting material for Northeastern states of India.",
project cost Rs.103271872 Lakh
implemented in 2021.
AICRP-Cashew, ICAR-DCR, Puttur, Karnataka sponsored
project on
"AICRP-Cashew_NEH Schme "Cashew Awareness Campaigns, Area Expansion programmes and distribution of small inputs to farmers",
project cost Rs.405054 Lakh
implemented in 2024.