on plant parasitic nematodes in Assam Agricultural University were initiated in
1970 in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Dr.A.K.Roy was the
pioneer worker who reported the occurrence of ufra nematode Ditrylenchus angustus and rice root knot
nematode Meloidogyne graminicola in
the state. In 1977, the Indian Agricultural Research Institute developed a
project entitled “All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Nematode pests of
crops and their Control” which was initially funded by the Department of
Science and Technology, Govt of India for a period of two years. Out of ten
centres in 1977, the Assam Agricultural University was selected as one of the
centres with the position of one Nematologist, two Junior Nematologists, one
Fieldman and one Laboratory Attendent. Subsequently, in 1979 the project was
taken over by the ICAR for funding and continued under 6th Five Year plan.
Dr.P.N.Phukan, after completion of his Nematode Taxonomy from IARI
joined in the Project as the Principal Investigator in 1979. The ICAR had
changed the title of the project to-“ All India Co-ordinated Research Project
with Integrated Approach for their Control” in 1987 and continuing till date.
loss due to Meloidogyne graminicolain
rice is 16.52 -20.60 %
loss due to Hirschmanniella oryzae in
rice is 10.23 - 13.08%
survey was conducted in twelve districts of Assam for occurrence of Meloidogyne graminicola and Hirschmanniella oryzae.
(26021.942ʹ; 092038.447ʹ), Kuruabahi (26018.603ʹ;
092036.868ʹ), Bhalukamari (26017.173ʹ; 092033.054ʹ)
Burhapahar (26.572032, 93.143783), Lanka (25.926938;92.955365
& 25.928298; 92.957468), Bechamari (26.407948; 92.47003)of Nagaon district;
Areajhar (26015.291ʹ; 090024.133ʹ), Andutzar (26025.112ʹ;
090025.262ʹ), Kajaikata (26011.134ʹ; 90010.478ʹ)
of Dhuburi district; Nayagaon (26010.284ʹ; 90011.04211)
of Bongaigaon district wewre recorded as hot spot area for M. graminicola.
Four deep water rice growing districts of Assam
were surveyed during 2012-22 for
occurrence of ufra disease
survey was conducted in eleven districts of Assam for occurrence of Meloidogyne incognita in vegetable crops.
survey was conducted in three pulse growing districts of Assam for the
occurrence of Meloidogyne incognita.
survey was conducted in five Jute growing districts of Assam.
survey was conducted in eleven districts of Assam for the occurrence of plant
parasitic nematodes in fruit crops (banana, citrus, guava, papaya).
Major plant parasitic nematodes recorded around the
rhizosphere of different fruit crops were: Meloidogyne
incognita, Helicotylenchusdihystera, Hoplolaimus indicus,
Tylenchorhynchusleviterminalis, Macroposthoniaspp.