Department:AAU-Zonal Research Station, Shillongani
Office Email:hiranya.devanath[at]
Education Details
B.Sc. (Agri.)
Assam Agricultural University
M.Sc.(Agri.) in Plant Pathology
Assam Agricultural University
PhD in Plant Pathology
Assam Agricultural University
10-11-2008 -
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Pathology)
Assam Agricultural University
09-09-2016 -
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Pathology)
Assam Agricultural University
09-08-2018 -
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University
01-07-2022 -
Till date
Senior Scientist
AAU-Zonal Research Station
Hiranya Kr. Deva Nath; Pamballa Sarika; M K Saikia
Field Evaluation of Few Novel Fungicides against Potato Late Blight Disease,
Agricultural Science Digest,
, DOI :
Hiranya Kumar Deva Nath; D Senapoty; Budha Bora
Effect of rice false smut disease on growth and yield parameters,
Indian Phytopathology,
, DOI :
Sudeshna Ray; Purnima das; S Rahman; Manuranjan Gogoi; H K Deva Nath; Mudasir gant; Priyanka Saikia; Partha PG Das; Banna Ushasri
Compatibility of Cordyceps javanica (OM321438) strain with botanicals and insecticides against tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse,
Journal of Biological Control,
Himadri Shekhar Datta; P C Barua; U Kotoky; R Das; H Saikia; H K Deva Nath
Effects of Hexanal Based Formulation on Shelf Life of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassaDuch.),
Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology,
, DOI :
J R Hazarika; A M Deka; B Borah; Bhabesh Gogoi; A Gogoi; B Kalita; P K Bordoloi; H K Deva Nath
Weed flora shift as affected by cropping systems,
International Journal of Research in Agronomy,
, DOI :
Himadri S Datta; P C Barua; U Kotoky; R Das; H Saikia; H K Deva Nath
Impact of Plant Spacing and Mulch on Growth Parameters of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.),
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,
Sudharshan Keralapura Ramachandra; Hiranya Kr. Deva Nath; Hia Kalita; Snata Kaushik; Nagesh Narayanappa
Exploring the antifungal potential of essential oils against grey mould on tomatoes,
Indian Phytopathology,
, DOI :
Bidisha Borah; Kalyan Pathak; Gautami Kataki; Anjumala Deka; Hiranya Kumar Deva Nath; Jyotilekha Hazarika
Effect of zinc and boron on yield maximization of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Under irrigated condition,
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
Partha Pratim Sarmah; Hiranya Kumar Deva; Tankeswar Nath
Endophytic Bacillus spp. from native chilli cultivars and their effect against fruit rot pathogen of Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense Jacq.),
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control,
, DOI :
Hiranya Kumar Deva; B C Das
Screening of Rice Varieties Against Ustilaginoidea virens Causing Rice False Smut in Assam Condition,
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development,
Himadri S Datta; P C Barua; U Kotoky; H Saikia; HK Deva Nath
Response of crop geometry and mulch on growth and yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.),
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
Hiranya Kr. Deva Nath; Dalim Pathak; Bidisha Borah; R N Borkakati
Effect of plant defense inducers in the management of Alternaria blight of linseed,
The Pharma Innovation,
Naseema Rahman; Ranjan Das; Priyanka Das; Deepa Borbora Phookan; Hiranya Kr. Deva Nath
Performance of garlic (Allium sativum L.) germplasm/ varieties as affected by the planting time in North Eastern India,
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
R N Borkakati; D K saikia; Sinki Barman; Bharat Nath; Nasima Rahman; H K Deva
Eco-friendly way of management of banana leaf and fruit scarring beetle, Basilepta subcostata (Jacoby) (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera),
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
Himadri S Datta; P C Barua; U Kotoky; R Das; H Sarika; H K Deva Nath
Effect of spacing and mulching on quality of strawberry under Jorhat condition,
Journal of Soils and Crops,
Himadri S Datta; P C Barua; U Kotoky; R Das; H Saikia; H Kr. Deva Nath
Effect of Spacing and Mulch on Post Harvest Disease Incidence and Sensory Evaluation in Strawberry,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
Hiranya Kr. Deva; B C Das
Evaluation of Fungicides and Bioformulations against Ustilaginoidea virens causing Rice False Smut Disease,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,
, DOI :
N Kalita; S Bhuyan; Hiranya Kr. Deva; M. Rongpharpi; P. Amonge; P. Basumatary; S. Maibangsa
Enhancing Rural Economy through Broom Grass Cultivation in Karbi Anglong District of Assam,
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development,
Badal Bhattacharyya; Gautam Handique; D Pujari; S Bhagawati; H Mishra; D Gogoi; Hiranya K Deva Nath
Species diversity and relative abundance of scarab beetle fauna in Assam, northeast India,
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies ,
K. C. Puzari; R. P. Bhuyan; Pranab Dutta; H. K. Deva Nath
Distribution of Mikania and its economic impact on Tea ecosystem of Assam,
Indian Journal of Forestry,
Robin Gogoi; H. K. Deva Nath; T. R. Borah
Diversity of Pathogens Inciting Rhizome Rot of Ginger in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh,
Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology,
Hiranya Kr. Deva; Robin Gogoi; Gunjan Gogoi
Insect as Human Food with Special Reference to Assam and Northeast India,
Asian Agri-History,
Kaman, P.K.; Senapoty, D.; Swaroop, V.S.S.; Nath, H.K.D.; Das, A.; Dutta, P. and Bahadur, A.(2024). Trichoderma spp, Allelopathies in the Rhizosphere of Plants: For the Management of Soil Borne Pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani. in : Challenges in Plant Disease Detection and Recent Advancements, Bahadur, A.; (Ed), IntechOpen Limited,167-169 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PF, UNITED KINGDOM, pp 1-15, ISBN:978-0-85466-142-8.
Kaman, P.K.; Hazarika, B.; Senapoty, D.; Nath, H.K.D.; Das, A. and Kaman, N.(2023). POTENTIAL MEDICINAL PLANTS OF NORTH EAST INDIA FOR COMMERCIAL CULTIVATION. in : Modern Trends in Horticulture, Singh, J.; (Ed), National Press Associates,C-24, Ground Floor, Panchsheel Vihar,MalviyaNagar,NewDelhi-110017,India, pp 19-29, ISBN:978-81-19674-64-0.
Nath, B.C.; Ahmed, R.; Bora, P.; Sharma, S. and Nath, H.D.(2021). Post-Harvest Diseases of Some Common Rabi Vegetables. in : Interdisciplinary Approaches in Agriculture and Forestry, Rout, S.; Mishra, U.N.; Jena, R.; (Eds), TARAN PUBLICATION INDIA,79, Vashisht Nagar, Ambala Cantt, Haryana, pp 231-236, ISBN:ISBN: 978-93-92313-22-6.
Nath, H.K.D.; Dutta, P. and Bahadur, A.(2022). Diseases of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and their management practices. in : Diseases of Pulses Crops and Management Approaches, Dutta, P.; Bahadur, A. (Eds), Biotica,Biotica, pp 28-44.
Kaman, P.K.; Nath, H.K.D.; Senapoty, D. and Datta, H.S.(2022). Organic Approaches for Disease Management in Vegetable Crops . in : Organic Farming , Kumar, N.; (Ed), Shriyanshi Prakashan,8 Gandhi Nagar,Near Paliwal Park , Agra-282003, UP ( India ), pp 95-106, ISBN:978-93-81247-14-3.
Datta, H.S.; Barua, P.C.; Kotoky, U.; Das, R.; Saikia, H. and Nath, H.K.D.(2023). Crop Geometry and Mulch on Strawberry Postharvest Quality. in : Edible Berries - New Insights, Kafkas, P.N.E.Y.; (Ed), Intech Open, CY-Rijeka,Intech Open, CY-Rijeka, pp 1-13.
Puzari, K.C.; Bhuyan, R.P.; Dutta, P. and Nath, H.K.D.(2010). Distribution, Menace, Biology and Management of Mikania micrantha in North East India. in : Agricultural Important Microorganisms (Vol. II), Khachatourians, G.G.; Arora, D.K.; Rajendran, T.P. and Srivastava, A.K. (Eds), Academic World International Press,Varanasi, India, pp 395-403.
Sarika, P.(2023). Evaluation of few recent fungicides agaisnt late blight of potato.M.Sc. (Agri.) thesis submitted to Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam
Bora, C.(2023). Biocontrol potentials of bacillus species against white mold of french bean.M.Sc. (Agri.) thesis submitted to Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam
Das, T.(2022). Exploring the effect of Allamanda extract on yield enhancement and suppression of Trichoderma contamination of Oyster mushroom beds.M.Sc. (Agri.) thesis submitted to Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam
Sarmah, P.P.(2021). Studies on biocidal activities or endophytes isolated from chilli against fruit rot pathogen of Bhut Jolokla (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)".M.Sc. (Agri.) thesis submitted to Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam
Sudharshan, K.R.(2020). Evaluation of antifungal activity of essential oil against grey mould of tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea.MSc (Agri.) in Plant Pathology thesis submitted to Department of Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat -13, Assam, India
Nath, H.K.D.()Management of insect pests and diseases of crop plants (in Bengali)Dainik Nababarta Prasanga.28(387),5, , Karimganj
Das, B.K. and Nath, H.K.D.()Integrated management of late blight disease of potato (in Bengali)Dainik Nababarta Prasanga.27(238),5, , Karimganj
Deka, N.; Bordoloi, P.K.; Kalita, B.; Nath, H.K.D. and Bhorali, P.(2024). Significance of World Meteorological Day. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Kalita, B.; Debchoudhury, P.K.; Bordoloi, P.K.; Borah, H.K.; Bhorali, P.; Deka, N. and Nath, H.K.D.(2023). Common problems of mustard cultivation and their remedy (in Assamese). AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Kalita, B.; Debchoudhury, P.K.; Bordoloi, P.K.; Bhorali, P.; Deka, N.; Deva, H.K.; Chakraborty, R. and Borkakati, R.N.(2023). Assam's potential for self reliance in oil sector through high mustard production (in Assamese). AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Deka, N.; saikia, B.; Kalita, B.; Bhorali, P.; Nath, H.K.D.; Bordoloi, P.K. and Debchoudhury, P.K.(2023). Impact of weather parameters on Rapeseed and Mustard. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Bordoloi, P.K.; Kalita, B.; Debchoudhury, P.K.; Bhorali, P.; Deka, N. and Nath, H.K.D.(2023). Improved cultivation practices of sesame. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Deka, N.; Kalita, B.K.; Saikia, B.; Nath, H.K.D.; Bordoloi, P.K. and Debchoudhury, P.K.(2023). Rapeseed and Mustard-a vulnerable crop to climate change. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Borkakati, R.N.; Borah, H.K.; Sarmah, K.K.; Kalita, H.; Chakraborty, R. and Deva, H.K.(2023). Identification of insect pests of pulses. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, AAU-ZRS, Shillongani
Borkakoty, R.N.; sarmah, K.K.; sarmah, A.C.; Nath, H.K.D.; Rahman, N. and Borah, H.K.(2023). Role of micronutrients in winter vegetables and their application methods. AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Borkakoty, R.N.; Nath, H.K.D.; Sharma, K.K.; Sharma, A.C. and Borah, H.K.(2023). Management of white fly in blackgram (Assamese). AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Rahman, N.; Kalita, B.; Nath, H.K.D. and Borkakoty, R.N.(2023). Commercial cultivation of Banana (in Assamese). AAU-ZRS, Shillongani, Shillongani, Nagaon
Sarmah, D.K.; Gogoi, M.; Nath, H.K.D. and Das, A.(2020). Cultivation practices of milky mushroom (In Assamese). Directorate of Research, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Kaman, P.K.; Saud, B.K. and Nath, H.K.D.(2020). Impotant diseases of Betelvine (In Assamese). Directorate of Research, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Saud, B.K.; Kaman, P.K. and Nath, H.K.D.(2020). Cultivation practices of Sarpagandha (In Assamese). Directorate of Research, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Nath, H.K.D.; Datta, H.S. and Das, B.K.(2013). Improved cultivation of Tomato (In Bengali). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Datta, H.S.; Nath, H.K.D. and Das, B.K.(2013). Improved cultivation of Brinjal (In Bengali). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Datta, H.S.; Das, B.K. and Nath, H.K.D.(2013). Scientific cultivation of Banana (In Bengali). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Das, B.K.; Nath, H.K.D. and Datta, H.S.(2013). Improved cultivation of Turmeric (In Bengali). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Nath, H.K.D.; Das, B.K. and Sharma, M.K.(2013). Integrated management of major insect pest of rice (in Bengali). ATMA, Karimganj, Karimganj
Nath, H.K.D. and Sharma, M.K.(2009). Alur Dhasa Rog Abong Tar Pratikar (Late Blight of Potato and its Management). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Ray, C.H.; Nath, H.K.D. and Sharma, M.K.(2009). Mushroomer Randhan Pranali (Preparation of Mushroom Recipes). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Nath, H.K.D.; Sharma, M.K. and Bora, U.K.(2009). Barake Oyster Jater Mushroom Sash (Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom in Barak Valley Zone). Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
• More than 80 (eighty) training programmes have been organized and conducted as Course Director and another 150 nos. of lectures have been delivered as resource person in various training programme covering farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension personnels of State Department of Agriculture as well as NGOs.
• A total of 18 (eighteen) and 24 (twenty) nos. of OFTs and FLDs, respectively were conducted in farmers’ field during covering around 150 farmers for technology dissemination and showcasing. Results and feedbacks of these have been reported in various review meeting and forums.
• Involved in Bio-fertilizer, Mushroom and Rice Seed production Programme of KVK, Karimganj. Also involving in mushroom spawn production under the revolving fund for mushroom spawn production from September, 2018.
• Has been actively involved in NICRA Technology Demonstrations project in Karbi Anglong District of Assam to address Drought Climatic vulnerability, TSP project entitled “Promotion of Agriculture centric sustainable livelihoods security for Tribal farmers of Dima Hasao district Assam” and Attracting and Retaining Youths in Agriculture” (ARYA) project during the year 2017 and 2018
• Continuing research and guiding Post graduate students from 2018. Mr. Sudharshan K.R. has successfully completed MSc (agri.) in Plant Pathology under my guidance as Major Adviser in the year 2020.
• Published 12 nos. of research paper in NAAS rated journals and 17 nos. of extension bulletin.
Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Life Member
Society for Horticultural Research and Development, Ghaziabad, UP
Life Member
Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, New Delhi
Life Member
Academy for Advancement of Agricultural Science
Life Member
ICAR-IIPR sponsored
project on
"AICRP on chickpea/Rabi pulses",
implemented in 2001.
project on
implemented in 2009.
CRIJAF sponsored
project on
implemented in 1994.
State revenue sponsored
project on
"MLT on Collection and screening of pumpkin genotypes in Karbi Anglong district",
implemented in 2023.
RKVY sponsored
project on
"Application of drone technologies for crop monitoring and spraying",
implemented in 2022.
AAU, Jorhat sponsored
project on
"Identification of soil microfauna for bioremediation of pesticide contaminated soils of certain vegetable and tea growing area of Assam",
project cost Rs.17.00 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
ICAR, New Delhi sponsored
project on
"AICRP on Kharif Pulses",
implemented in 2023.