General Informations

  • Join Date: 25/10/1988
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Plant Breeding & Genetics
  • Office Email: akashi.sarma[at]
  • Other Charges: Chairman women cell under Dean college of Agriculture

Education Details


Assam Agricultural University

M.Sc (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University

Employment History

01-07-2021 - Till date

College of Agriculture

  • Taught undergraduate and post graduate courses in plant breeding b& Genetics

    Act as Major Adviser aswell as minor advisor from different departments of MSc. and Ph.D research work.

    Published a number full length research articles.

    Involved in doing multilocational trials of different pulses.

    Developed 12 promising gamma-rays and EMS induced greengram mutants.

    Completed one project funded by BARC , Govt of India.

    Completed another project funded by DBT, Govt. of India

    One variety of synchronous maturity under BARC project is in the pipeline.

    Involved in DUS project in rice under PVP<& FRA

    Involved in FARMERS FIRST PROJECT where two farmers received a national award from that concerned village.

    I am also involved as an expert member of RFRI in the All India review monitoring team .

    Evaluating Ph.D. thesis of BCKV, UBKV, Medziphema, Nagaland, CAU, Borapani

    Selected as a member of the AICRP monitoring team of ICFRE, Dehradun

    Selected as an external expert for taking an interview for the rank of Professor and Assistant Professor Medziphema, Nagaland

    Completed one DBT Twinning project on "Introgression of Phosphorus use efficiency gene and multiple disease resistance gene in rice".

    ICAR short term Training course on Molecular Applications in Plant Breeding organized by Division of Genetics at IARI, New Delhi in 2002

    Safety, assessment of GM crops with a special focus on Cartegona protocol on Biosafety at AAU, Jorhat on 2006

    International Course on Gene Bank Management conservation and promoting use as awarded fellowship at Wageningen, Netherlands funded by Govt of Netherlands in 2006.

    Trainers Training on Bamboo Propagation and cultivation at RFRI in 2004

    Tailor made Training Programme on Participatory approaches in agrobiodiversity conservation in Assam at Jorhat and Kaziranga organised by Wageningen International,Netherlands collaborative with AAU,M.S.Swaminathon research Foundation,Chennai, India and LI-BIRD,Nepal.

    Presented paper in the XIX International Congress of Genetics at Melbourne Australia organised by International Genetics Federation on paper RAPD Marker Diversity among different bamboo 2003

    Attended Patentawareness Workshop organised by DST,Govt of India, New DElhi

    consevation and sustainable utilization of Medicinal Plants of NEI organized by Ministry of Environment& Forest, Govt of India in 2004

    Prepared draft of Bamboo & Cane Policy, Govt of Assam 2003
  • Appoinment as a question paper setter from Kerela Agricultural University No. D(A)/UG Exams/B.Sc.(Hons.) Ag. /S2 Date:10.09.2024
  • Evaluation of two research project proposal to be placed before XXVI RAG of ICFRE-RFRI Jorhat dated 05/09/2024

    1. Morphogenetic assessment of Magnolia gustavii King and its conservation through micropagation”

    2. “Standardization of seed briquettes method for ensuring restoration of degraded fallow lands in Mizoram”
  • appointed as external expert for 8th sixth monthly PEG review meeting for AICRP 10 held on 15/05/2024 at ICFRE, Dehradun
  • Appointment of External Examiner for setting question papers for the course GPB 604 Plant Genetic resources,conservation & utilisation from College of Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University, Imphal on 16/07/2024
  • Acting as a chairman for Organising the Foundation Day programme of college of agriculture on 16th August 2024
  • involved as a member of college-level student Grievance Redressal Committee 2024-2025 with effect from 16/10/2024 until further notice
  • Acting as a chairman in hall Arrangement and VVIP food committee for Regional Agricultural Fair 4th to 6th January 2025
  • Acting as a chairman in hall arrangement for Nodal officer interactive meeting held on 7th January,2025
  • Acting as a chairman in hall arrangement and felicitation in National Integration Camp under NSS held on 21st January 2025
  • Indian Journal of Plant Breeding & Genetics
    Life Member
  • Legume Research
    Life Member
  • BARC-AAUMoU sponsored project on "evaluation of BARC mutant in blackgram", implemented in 2022.
  • BARC -AAUMoU sponsored project on "evaluation of BARC mutant in green gram", implemented in 2022.
  • DBT, govt of India sponsored project on "Development of high yielding, non lodging and biotic resistant varieties of black scented rice of Manipur and Assam 5through biotechnological intervention (scented Rice Group 4 phase II", project cost Rs.2457120 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • Govt of India sponsored project on "Protection of Plant variety and FRA (DUS)", project cost Rs.53 Lakh implemented in 2004.
  • Govt. of India sponsored project on "Participatory technology assessment for enhancing farming system productivity and developing entrepreneurship for sustainable rural livelihood.", project cost Rs.45 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • BRNS,Govt of India sponsored project on "Induction of mutations in summer green gram", project cost Rs.2842650 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • BARC-BRNS sponsored project on "Induction of mutation in summer green gram - Co-Investigator", project cost Rs.28 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • GOI-DBT sponsored project on "Introgession of phosphorous stress tolerant multiple… marker assisted selection", project cost Rs.4023000 Lakh implemented in 2018.