Department of Veterinary Parasitology, LCVSc., AAU having 3 (three) Assistant Professors namely, Dr. Gautam Bordoloi (i/c HoD), Dr. Dhirashree Choudhury and Dr. Pallabi Pathak. They provide their services in the Department and Veterinary Clinical Complex as well. The courses offered to the undergraduate students include Veterinary Parasitology in third year of BVSc and AH, VCP courses in third year and fourth year of BVSc and AH. No post graduate course is offered in the department
ICMR sponsored project on
"Building a surveillance model for detecting zoonopilltic spill over in increased animal human interaction setting using one health approach: a study at selected slaughter houses",
NLM, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, GOI sponsored project on
"Epidemiological survey on haemoprotozoan parasites and Mycoplasma suis in pigs of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam", project cost Rs.34.8 Lakh
ASTEC sponsored project on
"Preparation of Oral Phytochemical formulation against respiratory and gut diseases of Poultry", project cost Rs.2 Lakh