Anjali Basumatary; K.N das; S. Ahmed
Soil test based fertilizer prescriptions under Integrated Plant Nutrient supply for rice-rice cropping sequence in inceptisols of Assam,
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science ,
K.N. Das; A Basumatary; Sabina Ahmed
Targeted yield precision model assessment for rice-rice crop sequence on farmers fields under humid, sub-tropical north eastern India,
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition,
K.N. Das; A Basumatary; Sabina Ahmed
Effect of phosphorus and potassium on yield and nutrient uptake of rice under IPNS in an inceptisol of Assam,
Annals of Plant and Soil Research,
Sabina Ahmed; A. Basumatary; K.N Das; B.K Medhi
Targeted yield based fertilizer prescriptions for autumn rice in inceptisols of Assam,
Indian Journal of Agricultural Research,
Sabina Ahmed; A. Basumatary; K.N Das; B.K Medhi; A.K Srivastava
Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility in autumn rice in an inceptisol of Assam,
Annals of Plant and Soil Research,
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Dutta, B.K.; Goswami, A.K.; Ahmed, S.K.; Sarma, A.K. and Medhi, B.K.(2024). Soil Mapping Techniques: Remote Sensing and GIS. in : Latest trends in Soil Science (Volume-7), Porte, S.S.; Porte, S.S.; (Eds), Integrated Publications ,H. No.- 3 Pocket - H34, Sector - 3, Rohini, Delhi- 110085, India, pp 85-104, ISBN:978-93-5834-924-5.
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Ahmed, S.(2012). Targeted yield approach in autumn rice under integrated plant nutrition system.Masters thesis submitted to Soil Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat