General Informations

  • Join Date: 02/03/2010
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Office Email: robin.boro[at]
  • Other Charges: Warden, International Hostel

Education Details

B.Sc (Agriculture)

Biswanath College of Agriculture (AAU)

M.Sc (Agricultural Biotechnology)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat


Jawaharlal Nehru University

Post Doctoral

University of California, Davis, USA

Employment History

02-03-2010 - 30-06-2023
Assistant Professor

Assam Agricultural University

01-07-2023 - Till date
Associate Professor

Assam Agricultural University

  • National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) fellowship for 3 months training at University of California, Davis, USA, 2019
  • Got selected for Raman Fellowships for Post-Doctoral Research for Indian Scholars in United States for the year 2013-14, awarded by UGC.
  • Mumbai Immunological Group
    Life Member
  • Assam Science Society
    Life Member
  • DST sponsored project on "Integrated Approaches towards addressing sustainable agriculture among the SC/ST population with special reference to jhum cultivators of Karbi Anglong district of Assam", implemented in 2021.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Exploitation chemical ecology for IPM: Deciphering the phyto semiochemicals involved in Insect-Plant interactions of major crop pest of North East Region-India", implemented in 2021.
  • AAU, Jorhat sponsored project on "Development of Prodigiosin Encapsulated particles For Agricultural Disease Management", project cost Rs.24.7 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Elucidating the role of bacterial endosymbionts in phytopathogenic fungi for toxin production and pathogenesis.", project cost Rs.106.0 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Gold nanoparticles-based dipstick system for quick detection of mushroom toxins", project cost Rs.34.0 Lakh implemented in 2013.
  • DST sponsored project on "Rapid On-Field Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus by Gold Nanoparticle-Based Dipstick Method", project cost Rs.29.0 Lakh implemented in 2013.
  • DST sponsored project on "Rapid on-field detection of Ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane by gold nanoparticle-based dipstick method", project cost Rs.22.0 Lakh implemented in 2013.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Detection of a mushroom toxin using nanoparticle-based sensor", project cost Rs.50 Lakh implemented in 2020.
  • SERB/DST sponsored project on "Wild mushroom from ne india.....medicinal properties", project cost Rs.3988400 Lakh implemented in 2017.