Prabhat Baruah
An evaluation of effects and mitigation measures of African swine fever in the North East India's pig industry,
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development,
, DOI :
Prabhat Baruah
Status and functioning of dairy cooperatives in Jorhat district of Assam, India: An economic analysis,
The Pharma Innovation,
Prabhat Baruah
Impact of Training cum Awareness Programme on Knowledge Level of Grassroot Extension Workers on Millet,
Journal of Agri Search,
Baruah, D.P.(2017). Anaesthetic Management in Pygmy Hog.MVSc thesis submitted to Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Assam
Developed first ever anaesthetic protocol in Pygmy Hog which is a critically endangered animal and listed in IUCN Red data list
Received Letter of Appreciation from Hon'ble Director of Extension Education, AAU Jorhat for the hard work and diligent effort in formulation of the project entitled "Livelihood Improvement of Livestock Farmers of Assam Through Year Round Fodder Cultivation and Preservation” for submission to ICAR Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi
Recipient of Certificate of Appreciation as Extension Specialist for excellence/achievements in the field of Extension from Honorable Vice Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University on the occasion of 77th Independence Day of India.
Assam Science Society
Life Member
Durell Wildlife Trust
Annual Member
Society of Krishi Vigyan
Life Member
ICAR sponsored
project on
"Promotion of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Caste Farmers through agriculture and allied sectors",
project cost Rs.23 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
IGFRI sponsored
project on
"Livelihood Improvement of the Livestock Farmers of Assam throgh Year Round Fodder production and preservation technology",
project cost Rs.12 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
project on
"Developing a voluntāry carbon market project for agroforestry plantations and regenerative agriculture in the state of Assam",
implemented in 2023.
ICAR sponsored
project on
"natural farming",
project cost Rs.10.69074 Lakh
implemented in 2022.