Phanidhar Mili; Adib Haque; Jogiraj Bora; Ritam Hazarika; Debarun Borah; Hrangchung Phunchu Bappu; Rofique Ahmed; Derhasar Brahma; Monuj Kumar Doley
Hygienic Floor Management Using Hot Water: A Strategy to Reduce Piglet Mortality in Northeastern India,
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,
, DOI : 10.9734/jsrr/2024/v30i92417
Derhasar Brahma; Krishna Sharma; Nagendra N Barman; Probodh Borah; Rajeev Kumar Sharma; Pankaj Deka; Biswajyoti Borah; Monuj K Doley; Ritam Hazarika
Detection of Persistence of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Local and Crossbred Cattle of Assam,
Agricultural Science Digest,
, DOI : doi 10.18805/ag.D-6110
Ritam Hazarika; Hiramoni Sarmah; Monuj K Doley; Deep Prakash Saikia; Girin Hazarika; Luit Moni Barkalita; Pankaj Deka; Manoharan Seeralan; Rajeev Kumar Sharma
Clostridioides difficile in food and food products of animal origin in Assam, India. Journal,
, DOI :
Baristha Borah; Ritam Hazarika; Purabi Deka; Deep Prakash Saikia; Monuj Kumar Doley; Rajeev Kumar Sharma; Snehangsu Sinha
Characterization of Pasteurella multocida and Riemerella anatipestifer of Ducks in Assam, India,
Indian Journal of Animal Research,
, DOI : doi10.18805/IJAR.B-4977
Monuj Kumar Doley; Subal Maibangsa; Manoranjan Neog; Neethi Baruah; Bhrigu Kumar Neog; Luit Moni Barkalita; Jupi Talukdar; Ritam Hazarika; Prasanna Kumar Path
Rearing Practices and Performance Attributes of Assam Hill Goat in Assam, India,
Journal of Krishi Vigyan,
, DOI : 10.5958/2349-4433.2023.00057.0
Ethnoveterinary practices amongst tribal pig farmers in Karbi Anglong district of Assam, India,
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,
, DOI : DOI:Â 10.56042/ijtk.v21i3.38302
M K Doley; S Das; R K Sharma; P Borah; D.K. Sarma; L Buragohain; R Hazarika; N Baruah
Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Riemerella anatipestifer from Domesticated Ducks of Assam, India,
Indian Journal of Animal Research,
, DOI : doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4295.
Ritam Hazarika; M K Doley; H Sarma; P Deka; R K Sharma
Isolation and Molecular Identification of Riemerella anatipestifer from Ducks in Assam,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,
, DOI :
M K Doley; S K Das; N N Barman; N Baruah
Molecular and antibody based diagnosis of duck plague virus from field outbreaks in Assam, India,
Interntnational Journal of Microbiology Research,
, DOI : DOI:
M K Doley; N Baruah; A K Deka; S Maibangsa; S Bhuyan; A Phookan
Performance of Assam Hill goat and their crossbred Beetal through Artificial Insemination in hill district of Assam,
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences,
Luit Barkalita; Rajeev Kumar Sharma; Probodh Borah; Dhrubajyoti Kalita; Isfaqul Hussain; Monuj Kumar Doley; Pankaj Deka; Samsun Neher
Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Shigatoxigenic and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from diverse sources. Journal of Animal Research,
Journal of Animal Research,
, DOI : DOI: 10.5958/2277-940X.2016.00005.X
M K Doley; N N Barman; S K Das; G Rajbongshi; L M Barkalita
Propagation of duck plague virus from field outbreaks in Embryonated eggs and confirmed by PCR,
Indian Veterinary Journal,
Monuj Doley; S K Das; N. N. Barman; G. Rajbongshi
Adaptation of vaccine strain of duck plague virus in chicken embryo fibroblast cell culture,
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences,
Doley, M.K. and Maibangsa, S.(2025). Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneur: Seeding Hope towards Self Employment. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University, Office of the Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University, ISBN:978-93-342-1174-0
Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S. and Neog, D.M.(2024). Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University, Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5
Doley, D.M.K.; Neog, D.B.K. and Hazarika, D.R.(2024). Integrated Farming System: Basic Principle and Practices. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S. and Neog, D.M. (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 187-200, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Neog, D.B.K. and Doley, D.M.K.(2024). Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) fro Pig Feeding. in : Resource Inventory of Karbi Anglong District, Assam, Doley, D.M.K. and Maibangsa, D.S. Neog, D.M.; (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 210-222, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Doley, D.M.K.; Neog, D.B.K. and Hazarika, D.R.(2024). Good Husbandry Practices (GHP) for Goat Farming. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S. and Neog, D.M. (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 201-209, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Pandey, D.M. and Doley, D.M.K.(2024). Farm Biosecurity Management in Livestock and Poultry Farming. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K. (Ed), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 180-186, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Doley, D.M.K.(2024). Assam Hill Goat: A promosing Meat type Goat Breed of Assam. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S.; Neog, D.M.; (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 162-170, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Islam, D.M.(2024). Scietific Duck Farming for Livelihood Security. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S.; Neog, D.M.; (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 147-152, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Islam, M.(2024). Modern Aproaches towards Poultry Farming. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S.; Neog, D.M.; (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 134-146, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S. and Neog, D.M.(2024). Agriculture Profile of Assam with especial reference to Hill Region. in : Technology Intervention for Hill Agroecosystem, Doley, D.M.K.; Maibangsa, D.S. and Neog, D.M. (Eds), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Assam Agricultural University,Karbi Anglong, Diphu-782462, pp 1-17, ISBN:978-93-341-2029-5.
Maurya, P.; Talukdar, J.; Debbarma, S.; Doley, M.K. and Barkalita, L.(0). Immune Assays as Diagnostic for Pig Viral Diseases. in : Protocols for the Diagnosis of Pig Viral Diseases, Deb, R.; Yadav, A.K.; Rajkhowa, S.; Malik, Y.S. (Eds), Springer,Springer Nature, USA, pp 329-349, ISBN:ISBN : 978-1-0716-2042-7.
Doley, M.K.(2021). PHENOTYPIC AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF Riemerella anatipestifer ISOLATES FROM DUCKS.Doctor of Philosophy thesis submitted to Microbiology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Doley, M.K.(2012). MOLECULAR ANTIBODY BASED DIAGNOSIS OF DUCK PLAGUE VIRUS INFECTION FROM FIELD OUTBREAKS.Master of Veterinary Science thesis submitted to Microbiology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Doley, M.K.(2024). Fostering Rural Youth through Piggery based Entreprise ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability in Mountainous and Hilly Landscapes venue: Assam Univer Assam University, Silchar ,Assam University, Silchar,Assam University, Silchar
Doley, M.K.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Neog, B.K. and Kumar, B.(2023). Entreprising Youth Empowered through Piggery Based Entreprise ICAR-Agripreneurs Meet cum National Symposium on Promotion of Incubatee in Agriculture and Allied Sector in the North Eastern region of India ICAR-NEH, Umium ,ICAR-NEH, Umium,ICAR-NEH, Umium, 162 - 162.
DOLEY, M.K.; MAIBANGSA, S.; NEOG, M.; BARUAH, N.; NEOG, B.K.; BARKALITA, L.M. and PATHAK, P.K.(2022). Rearing practices and performance attributes of Assam Hill goat in hill district of Assam,India 3rd National conference of Society of Krishi Vigyan Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh ,Society of Krishi Vigyan,Principal Agronomist (Agronomy), Directorate of Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana, Vol. 3(3), 153 - 153.
Doley, M.K.; Sharma, R.K.; Das, S.; Buragohain, L.; Hazarika, R. and Baruah, N.(2020). Isolation and antibiogram pattern of Riemerella anatipestifer isolated from domesticated duck of Assam, India 20th Indian Veterinary Congress, XXVII Annual Conference of IAAVR and National Symposium on Veterinary Research Priorities in Translational Animal Hea Madras Veterinary College ,TANUVAS and Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Research,Madras Veterinary College, 66 - 66.
Doley, M.K.; Baruah, N.; Maibangsa, S.; Bhuyan, S.; Maibangsa, M. and Payeng, S.(2019). Studies on Pig farming pattern, socio-economic status and constraints faced by the tribal pig farmers in hill district of Assam International seminar on Animal Agriculture for Doubling Farmers Income: Technology, Policy and Strategy options. Souvenir cum compendium CVsc., AAU., Khanapara ,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara, Vol. 1(1), 66 - 66.
Payeng, S.; Borah, L.; Hazarika, P.; Borgohain, A.; Doley, M.K. and Baruah, N.(2019). Impact of animal rearing pattern on the livelihood of the mishing community in the Lohit International seminar on Animal Agriculture for Doubling Farmers Income: Technology, Policy and Strategy options CVsc., AAU., Khanapara ,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara, Vol. 1(1), 68 - 68.
Doley, M.K.(2017). Performance of Assam Hill goat and their crossbred with Beetal germplasm in hill district of Assam 8th National Seminar on "Potential, Prospects and Strategies for Doubling Farmers Income: Multi-Stakeholder Convergence CVsc., AAU., Khanapara ,Published by Dr J.P. Sharma, President, Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New ,Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New Delhi-110012 , Vol. 8(1), 240 - 240.
Doley, M.K.; Das, S.K.; Barman, N.N. and Barkalita, L.M.(2016). Molecular and antibody Based diagnosis of Duck plague virus infection from field outbreaks in Assam India Global symposium on Animal Health: Newer technologies and their applicationsand XXXIX Annual convention of IAVMI CVsc., AAU., Khanapara ,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara,CVSc, AAU, Khanapara, Vol. 1(1), 78 - 78.
Doley, M.K. and Baruah, N.()Quail Farming: An avenue for income generation and self employmentThe Hills Times.21(57),8, Rameswar Chauhan, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Doley, M.K. and Baruah, N.()Layer bird farming for self employment and nutritional securityThe Hills Times.21(322),5, Rameswar Chauhan, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Doley, M.K. and Baruah, N.()Japanese Quail: A promising poultry enterprise for self employmentThe Hills Times.18(207),Heritage 2, Rameswar Chauhan, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Borah, B.; Maibangsa, S.; Kataki, L.; Doley, M.K.; Dutta, S.; Borauh, P.; Neog, M. and Saud, R.K.(2024). Natural Farming for Sustainable Livelihood in Northeast India. KVK Karbi Anglong, AAU, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Boruah, P.; Borah, B.; Bharadwaj, K.; Doley, M.K.; Kataki, L.; Dutta, S. and Maibangsa, S.(2024). Lentil cultivation in Karbi Anglong district of Assam for livelihood security . KVK Karbi Anglong, AAU (Pub No. AAU/KVK/KARB/EB/NP/03/23/304), Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Boruah, P.; Borah, B.; Bharadwaj, K.; Doley, M.K.; Kataki, L.; Dutta, S. and Maibangsa, S.(2024). Scientific Management practices of Blackgram in Hill condition of Assam. KVK Karbi Anglong, AAU (Pub No. AAU/KVK/KARB/EB/NP/03/23/303), Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Dutta, S.; Maibangsa, S.; Kataki, L.; Doley, M.K.; Borah, B.; Borah, R.R. and Boruah, P.(2024). Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L): A potential intercrop for Arecanut and Coconut garden in the Hill region of Assam. KVK Karbi Anglong, AAU, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
Doley, M.K.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Neog, B.K.; Baruah, N.; Baruah, P. and Borah, B.(2022). Assam Hill Goat: A promising Meat type goat goat breed of Assam. KVK, Karbi Anglong, Diphu
Doley, M.K.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Neog, B.K.; Baruah, N. and Borah, B.(2022). Dual purpose poultry farming for self employment. KVK, Karbi Anglong, Diphu
Borah, B.; Maibangsa, S.; Kataki, L.; Doley, M.K.; Dutta, S.; Boruah, P.; Neog, M. and Saud, R.K.(2022). Natural Farming for sustainable soil health and crop production. KVK, Karbi Anglong, Diphu
Borauh, P.; Maibangsa, S.; Saud, R.K.; Neog, M.; Kataki, L.; Dutta, S.; Doley, M.K. and Borah, B.(2022). Millet Cultivation in Assam Hill for climate resilience and nutritional security. KVK, Karbi Anglong, Diphu
Baruah, N.; Doley, M.K. and Singha, K.D.(2022). Prevalence of Dragon Fruit Diseases in Karbi Anglong. RARS, Diphu , Diphu (Leaflet No. AAU/RARA/Diphu/2021-22)
Doley, M.K.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Saud, R.K. and Baruah, N.(2022). Scientific Poultry Farming. KVK, Karbi Anglong Pub NoAAU/KVK/KARB/TM/NP/02/22/185, Diphu
Doley, M.K.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Saud, R.K.; Baruah, N.; Rongpharpi, M. and Borauh, P.(2022). Forage crops Production and Preservation. KVK, Karbi Anglong Pub NoAAU/KVK/KARB/EB/NP/04/22/214, Diphu
Maibangsa, S.; Kalita, N.; Dutta, S.; Doley, M.K.; Kataki, L.; Bhuyan, S.; Boruah, P.; Rongpharpi, M.; Millik, T.T. and Kris, (2021). KVK Newsletter Vol. III No.1. KVK, Karbi Anglong, Diphu
Dutta, S.; Maibangsa, S.; Neog, M.; Saud, R.K.; Kalita, N.; Doley, M.K.; Kataki, L. and Boruah, P.(2021). Zero Energy Cool Chamber. KVK, Karbi Anglong Pub No. AAU/KVK/KARB/NP/24/21/142, Diphu
Best Extension Scientist Award by Society of Krishi Vigyan during 3rd National Conference held in Ujjain, MP
Best Paper Award during 3rd National Conference held in Ujjain, MP
Developed Low Cost Poultry Incubator and tested the technology in participation with farmers. The Technology has been adopted by more than 120 youth, farm women and progressive farmers of Karbi Anglong district.
Established Goat Breeding cum Demonstration unit for In-situ Conservation of Assam Hill Goat
Introduced many poultry varieties such as Kamrupa, Turkey birds, Quail birds in Karbi Anglong for the first time
Appreciation Certificate from the Director ICAR-ATARI-VI for Popularization of Gramapriya and Turkey through Participatory Mode
Best Paper Presentation Award organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region during Agripreneurship Meet cum National Symposium during 4-5 October, 2023
Certificate of Appreciation Received from Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University during Celebration of 78th Independence Day, 2024.
Best paper Presenetaion Award during International Conference on Climate Change and Environmentalk Sustainablility in Mountaneoius and Hill Landscapes at Assam University, Silchar in collaboration with BVP, North East, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Kosi, ICAR-ATARI, Guwahati and ICAR-KVK Hailakandi, KVK, Cachar and KVK, Karimganj on the research paper titled "Economic Contribution of backyard Piggery in the Livelihood Security of Tribal Families".
Best paper Presenetaion Award during International Conference on Climate Change and Environmentalk Sustainablility in Mountaneoius and Hill Landscapes at Assam University, Silchar in collaboration with BVP, North East, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Kosi, ICAR-ATARI, Guwahati and ICAR-KVK Hailakandi, KVK, Cachar and KVK, Karimganj on the research paper titled "Fostering Rural Youth through Piggery based Entreprise".
Assam Science Society, Khanapara, Assam
Life Member
Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development (MOBILIZATION), IARI, New Delhi
Life Member
Society of Krishi Vigyan
Life Member
Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences (UGC aprroved; No.RJAS/2024/AM/152)
Annual Member
ADG, ICAR, Krishi Anushandha Bhawah, New Delhi sponsored
project on
"Promotion of Technology led agriculture to build on tribal farmer's resources and wisdom to sustainably enhenced their farm productivity, income and livelihood.",
project cost Rs.14.81253 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
NABARD RO Guwahati sponsored
project on
"Formation and promotion of FPO",
project cost Rs.11.44 Lakh
implemented in 2020.
ICAR-IGFRI sponsored
project on
"Crop, fodder and livestock based technological modules for upliftment of tribal in Karbi Anglong and West Karbi Anglong district of Assam",
project cost Rs.2.0 Lakh
implemented in 2021.
DR (Vety) AAU, Guwahati sponsored
project on
"Sustainable Piggery centric activities for tribal farmers in Assam (TSP)",
project cost Rs.25.0 Lakh
implemented in 2017.
ICAR-ATARI,Guwahati sponsored
project on
"Capacity Building of farmers through training programme on profitable Dairy and Livestock Management",
project cost Rs.2.0 Lakh
implemented in 2021.
ICAR-CRIDA sponsored
project on
"NICRA Technology Demonstration",
implemented in 2017.
AAU, Jorhat sponsored
project on
"Promotion of Agriculture centric sustainable livelihood security for tribal farmers of Assam (TSP)",
project cost Rs.205.49000 Lakh
implemented in 2014.
ICAR sponsored
project on
"Natural Farming",
project cost Rs.2.63032 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
ICAR sponsored
project on
"Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA)",
project cost Rs.7.01343 Lakh
implemented in 2016.
NABARD sponsored
project on
"Central Sector Scheme for Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs)",
project cost Rs.25.0 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
NABARD sponsored
project on
"Promotion of Integrated Farming System for Sustainable Livelihood Security in Samelangso Development block, Karbi Anglong",
project cost Rs.3.38500 Lakh
implemented in 2020.
NABARD sponsored
project on
"Promotion of Scientific Management Practices of Assam Hill Goat and their In-situ conservation",
project cost Rs.14.75000 Lakh
implemented in 2020.