General Informations

  • Join Date: 27/08/1996
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Extension Education
  • Office Email: utpalbarman[at]
  • Other Charges: AAU- Agriculture Market Intelligence Unit(Member), Video Production for Practical (CA), (Member)

Education Details

B.Sc. (Agri)

College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat


Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat


GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

Other Qualifications

PGDRD, from IGNOU,New Delhi

Other Qualifications

Certificate in Empowering Women Through Self-Help Groups (IGNOU)

Employment History

27-08-1996 - 31-12-2004
Training Associate(Extension Education)


01-01-2005 - 30-06-2008
Assistant Professor (Sr.Scale)


01-01-2008 - 26-09-2008
Assistant Professor (SG)

KVK, Cachar

27-09-2008 - 03-11-2008
Assistant Professor (SG)

Collage of Agriculture, Jorhat-13

04-11-2008 - 30-06-2014
Associate Professor

College of Agriculture

01-07-2014 - Till date

College of Agriculture

  • 2010:PI of the first externally funded research project of Deptt;

    2011:First author of 'Fundamentals of ExtensionEduction';

    2013-15: Coordinator for USAID-funded Agricultural Innovation Partnership(Com-TE), LeadMaster Trainer AIP (TE);

    2015:Third author of ‘Objective Agricultural Extension’;

    2019:CRISP published a chapter in ‘Taking Stock and Shaping the Future: Conversations on Extension.

    2020: Member, AMIU-AAU

    Member of University level Committee for Video production for practical

    Content creator IGNOU's PGDRD course.
  • 2021:Developed a model video and script for practical video production and handed it to the university.

    Produced three educational YouTube videos on Extension Education

    2022: Produced forty (40 nos) educational YouTube videos on Extension Education

    2022: To date (27/09/2022), 42 educational videos have been created and uploaded to AAU streaming out of 95 videos (

    2022: Production of three videos for AAU-AMIU.

    2022: Production of practical educational videos as a University-level Video Production Committee member.

    2022:'অসমীয়াত সম্প্ৰসাৰণ শিক্ষাৰ পৰিভাষা আৰু ভাবাৰ্থ ' an e book written by Utpal Barman and made available to public at

    Terminologies for Extension Education translated from English to Assamese. This is the first book of its kind in Assamese. Farmers, extension personnel, students, researchers, and teachers will all benefit. Available online from January 2022
  • 2023: -Total contribution made to AAU Streaming is 41% of the YouTube channel of AAU. The data is up to 6/7/2023(45 nos. out of 110 ). All total 45 educational and extension activities related to youtube videos were developed and uploaded to AAU streaming since inception.

    2023-An e-text manual on EXT-502 (Applied Behaviour Change) as per the new BSME syllabus was prepared for PG students.

    2023-Completed a certificate course on 'Learning to Teach Online'an online non-credit course authorized by UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales) and offered through Coursera—grade achieved: 95.65%.

    2023- Completed Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers' held from 12-20 June 2023’.It is a UGC-approved Short-Term Professional Development Programme[ six days (36 hrs) online training courses of IGNOU recognised by UGC]. Obtained A+ grade.
  • 2023:

    -Certificates of Excellence as Reviewer of the International Journal of Environment and Climate Change (Certificate No: SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/106747/UTP; Certificate No: SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/104952/UTP)

    - Certificates of Excellence as Reviewer of the Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology(Certificate No: SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/105542/UTP; Certificate No: SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/105476/UTP)


    - Certificate of Excellence as Reviewer of the Journal of Scientific Research and Reports(Certificate No: PRJSRR112851UTP.)
  • 2023:

    Developed a practical manual on Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication for (EE-212)
  • 2023:

    -Developed a Teaching Manual on Gender Mainstorming (Part 1 under EXT-510)
  • 2023:
    -Developed a text manual on Course No EXT-502 (Unit-1) 'Foundation of Human Bevaviour'
  • 2024: -Developed 'PRACTICAL MANUAL ON AGRICULTURAL JOURNALISM' for EE(Elect)-323(2+1)
  • Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi
    Life Member
  • Society of Extension Education, Agra
    Life Member
  • Society for Community Mobilisation for Sustainable Development ,IARI, New Delhi
    Life Member
  • Society for Recent Development in Agriculture, Meerut
    Life Member
  • APART sponsored project on "AAU-Agricultural Market Intelligence Unit", project cost Rs.700 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • APART sponsored project on "Benchmark Market Selection for Five Selected APART Agriculture Commodities in Assam", implemented in 2021.
  • DR(Agri) sponsored project on "Assessing adoption of recommended production technologies of kharif vegetables- a micro-level study in Jorhat district", project cost Rs.0.13 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • DR(Agri) sponsored project on "Farmer's innovation-decision pattern with improved rice production technology-a study in Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam", project cost Rs.0.45 Lakh implemented in 2017.
  • USAID sponsored project on "Agricultural Innovation Partnership (AIP) Component-Teaching Excellence", project cost Rs.4.8 Lakh implemented in 2012.
  • APART Assam sponsored project on "AAU-Agricultural Market Intelligence Unit", project cost Rs.7 Crore implemented in 2020.
  • State Department of Agriculture, Govt of Assam sponsored project on "Ealuation of Mission double cropping under NAEP-II (Crop development)", project cost Rs.2.5 Lakh implemented in 2013.
  • NABARD sponsored project on "Action Researching on improvement of Production and productivity of Agricultural commodities for income Generation in Jorhat District, acted as PI", project cost Rs.10 Lakh implemented in 2011.