Nayanmoni Buragohain; Sailen Gogoi; Prakash Kalita; Utpal Kotoky
Influence of Sowing Media and Variety on Physiological Performance and Yield of Early Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Botrytis) and Correlation Study With Yield”,
Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology ,
, DOI :
Queen Sonowal; B. P. Gautam; Nayanmoni Buragohain; H. Choudhury; Ranima Mishra
Plant Archives,
, DOI : :
G. C . Bora; D Rajkhowa; Nayanmoni Buragohain; P. K . Goswami; U. C. Kalita
Evaluation of Promising Lines of Lai Patta (Brassica juncea var rugosa L.) Suitable for Cultivation in North Eastern India,
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science,
, DOI : DOI:
Pritam Phonglo; Bhakta Prasad Gautam; Nayanmoni Buragohain; Ratna Kinkor Goswami; Budha Bora
Plant Archives,
, DOI : DOI Url :
Barsha Nath; B. P. Gautam; Nayanmoni Buragohain; R. K. Goswami
Impact of Vine Management on Yield and Quality Parameters of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata),
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science,
, DOI : DOI:
N. Buragohain; S. Gogoi; U. Kotoky; D. B. Phookan; P. K. Barua; P. Kalita
Seedling Growth, Field Performance and Economics of Production of Early Cauliflower as Influenced by Different Sowing Media and Variety under Greenhouse Condition in Assam, India,
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,
, DOI : DOI:
B. Nath; B. P Gautam; N. Buragohain; R. K. Goswami; B. Bora
Effect of Pruning on Morphophysiological Characters and Yield of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata,
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change,
, DOI : 10.9734/IJECC/2024/v14i13809
Queen Sonowal; B. P. Gautam; Nayanmoni Buragohain; H. Choudhury; Ranima Mishra
Influence of Organics on Physiological and Quality Parameters of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.),
Biological Forum – An International Journal ,
Hunmili Terangpi; U. Borhakur; Nayanmoni Buragohain
Performance of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) cultivars under open condition in the hill zone of Karbi Anglong District,Assam,
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
, DOI : https;//
Nayanmoni Buragohain; s. Gogoi; U. kotoky; D. B. Phookan; P. K. Barua; P. Kalita
Effect of Sowing Media and Variety on Seedling Root Growth and Field Performance of Early Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis),
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2022/v40i121787
Nayanmoni Buragohain; S. Gogoi; U. Kotoky; D. B. Phookan; P. K. Barua; P. Kalita
Influence of Sowing Media and Variety on Growth Parameters and Disease Incidence of Early Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) Seedlings,
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change,
, DOI : 10.9734/IJECC/2022/v12i121537
N. Buragoahin; S. Brahma
Nutritional and medicinal value of some underutilized vegetable crops of North-East India-A review,
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Bio-Sciences,,
T. Ronya; N. Buragohain; B.P. Gautam; S. Langthasa; H. Choudhury; P.K. Sarma
3. Effect of organics on growth, yield and quality attributes of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Cv. Tall clone,
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry,
, DOI : -ISSN: 2278-4136 P-ISSN: 2349-8234 www.phytojourna
K. K. Gupta; N. Buragohain; B. P. Gautam; S. Langthasa; R.K. Goswami; M.K. Kalita
2. Impact of sprout management on growth,quality and yield of pointed gourd(Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.),
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science,
, DOI : https;//
P. Baruah; N. Buragohain; B.P. Gautam; D.N. Hazarika; H. Choudhury; M. J. Kalita
Assessment of Vegetative Growth Characteristics and Yield of Different Types of Cluster Bearing Ridge Gourd(Luffa acutangula Roxb.),
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science,
, DOI : https;//
T. Usha Bharathi; D. Barman; N. Buragohain; S. K. Naik; R. P. Medhi
Effect of different chemicals and growth regulators on vase life of Oriental Lily hybrid,
Journal of Ornamental Horticulture,
N. Buragohain; S. Gogoi
Effect of Boron and Molybdenum on seed production of Early Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. Botrytis) Cv. Pusa Katki.,
Vegetable Science,
Brahma, S.; Buragohain, N. and Sarma, R.(2021). Homestead Agro-Forestry For Food, Nutrition And Economic Security in Assam.. in : Agroforestry– Prospective, Strategies and Future Aspects, Neelam, K.; Sandeep, R. and Sahoo, G. Monika, R.; Meenakhi, P.; Ajay, P.K.; (Eds), Taran Publication,Vashist Nagar, Ambala Cantt, Haryana, India , pp 238-245, ISBN:9789392313165.
Buragoahin, N.(2021). Exotic Vegetables-cultivation and scope in India. in : Recent Innovative Updates in Agricultural-Horticultural Sciences, Dhanoji, D.M.M.; Meena, D.M.K.; (Eds), Akinik Publications,New Delhi,169.C-11,Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085,India, pp 119-145, ISBN:978-93-91538-74-3.
Buragoahin, N. and Pradhan, D.R.(2021). Allelopathy in Vegetables. in : Practices and Research on Horticulture, Vol-6, Srivastava, D.V.P. and Ashok, D.A. (Eds), Akinik Publication,New Delhi,169.C-11,Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085,India, pp 33-54, ISBN:978-93-91538-69-9.
Brahma, S. and Buragohain, N.(2020). Dragon fruit-A Potential High Value Crop of Future. in : Agriculture Development & Economic Transformation in Global Scenario Part-II, Rao., R.K. (Ed), Mahima Research Foundation & Social Welfare, Varanasi-221005, U.P.,India, Varanasi-221005, U.P.,India, pp 287-293, ISBN:978-81-943375-3-9.
Nath, B.; Gautam, B.P.; Buragohain, N.; Goswami, R.K. and Bora, B.(2023). Effect of vine management on yield, yield attributing and quality parameters of pumpkin International conference on Next-Gen Preparedness for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability Assam Agricultural University,Jorhat ,Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, India and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway,Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, India, 311 - 311.
Brahma, S.; Sarma, R. and Buragoahin, N.(2020). "Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata L. Blanco)" National Citrus Meet-2020 on “Development of Citrus in North-Eastern Region” Bishwanath College of Agriculture, Biswanath Chariali, Assam, ,Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur & Regional Research Centre for Citrus, Biswanath Chariali, Assam,Biswanath Chariali,Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur & Regional Research Centre for Citrus & BNCA, Biswanath Chariali, Assam,Biswanath Chariali, Assam
Brahma, S.; Nath, R.; Roy, K.; Buragoahin, N. and H., G.(2020). Poster presentation on "Production constraints of mandarin cultivation in Kokrajhar district of Assam-A case study" National Citrus Meet-2020 on “Development of Citrus in North-Eastern Region” Bishwanath College of Agriculture, Biswanath Chariali, Assam, ,Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur & Regional Research Centre for Citrus, Biswanath Chariali, Assam,Biswanath Chariali,Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur & Regional Research Centre for Citrus & BNCA, Biswanath Chariali, Assam,Biswanath Chariali, Assam
Brahma, S.; Sarma, R.; Narzary, B.D.; Buragoahin, N. and Dutta, P.K.(2019). Poster presentation on ''Livelihood Promotion through Integrated Farming System among Tribal communities of BTAD(Assam)'' National seminar on Science, Society and Sustainable Development(SSS-19), Advanced Level Boiotech Hub, Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123 ,organized by: Science Department under DBT Star College Scheme,Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123,Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123
Brahma, S.; Sarma, R.; Narzary, B.D.; Buragoahin, N. and Dutta, P.K.(2019). Poster presentation on ''Women Empowerment through Ericulture - a source of employment and income in Kokrajhar District'' National seminar on Science, Society and Sustainable Development(SSS-19), Advanced Level Boiotech Hub, Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123 ,organized by: Science Department under DBT Star College Scheme,Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123,Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko,Kamrup,Assam-781123
Buragohain, N. and Alam, S.(2024). Ul kochur boygyanik krishi podhwati. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Extension activities from 2011-2017
1. Conducted 11(eleven) and 15(fifteen) nos. of OFTs and FLDs, in farmers’ field for technology dissemination
2. A total of 58 (fifty eight ) training programmes have been organized and conducted as Course Director covering farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension personnel of State Department of Agriculture as well as NGOs
3. Organized and participated in field day (5 nos.), exposure visit (3 no.), awareness camp (3 nos.), exhibition (6 nos.), farmers’ scientist interaction programme (6 nos.), Farmers Fair (1 no.) Participatory Rural Appraisal (4 nos.); and provided diagnostic services (31 nos), conducted Method demonstrations (4 nos.) to the farmers.
4. Associated with the collaborative project FPARP(Phase II) and TSP programme
5. A total of 25 nos. of lectures have been delivered as resource person in various training programme
6. One(1) radio talk on commercial cultivation of coconut and arecanut (in assamese) broadcasted by AIR, Jorhat on 16.03.17
7. Conducted 3(three) cluster front line demonstration as Lead scientist on Rabi pulse (lentil) and summer pulse (pea and black gram)
Popular article published:
1. Krishit heuj haror prayujoniyata- The Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese news paper published from Jorhat) 26th January, 2012
2. Tengajatia hoishyar anistakari kit potonga aru nibaronar upay- The Dainik Karbi (published from Karbi Anglong) 7th February,2012
3. Black pepper-Black Gold of India - The Hills Times,(published from Karbi Anglong), 12th February,2012
4. Improved production technology of Capsicum- The Hills Times, 31st August,2012
5. Growing Gladiolus Successfully- The Hills Times, 23rd November,2012
6. Boigyanic padhatire matikothalor kheti- Solangdo, 16th November,2012
7. Aloo khetir anistakari kit patanga aru bemar- Solangdo (Published from Karbi Anglong ) , 13th January,2013
8. Tamular unnat krishi pronali- Solangdo, 31st January,2013
9. Cashew-a potential multipurpose fruit crop - Souvenir, Agri expo cum farmers meet,2012 dated 22nd & 23rd February,2012, under Deptt. Of Agriculture, Karbi Anglong
10. Cultivation practices of Watermelon- The Hills Times, Diphu, April 19, 2013
11. Thoite Bongham Katiki Aron (in Karbi- Scientific cultivation of Watermelon)-Published in Karbi daily newspaper ‘Thekar’ 20th April, 2013
12. Cultivation of Gerbera- The Hills Times, 30th June,2014
13. Orchid diversity in North east India- Scientific article, published in Agrobios News letter, 1st February, 2014 ( xii,issue no 9)
14. Safe use of pesticide- Popular article , published in The Hills times, Local Karbi News paper, April 7, 2013
15. Quality planting material generation of fruits- Souvenir,Agri . & Allied Expo, 2014 , under Deptt. Of Agriculture, Karbi Anglong
16. Mir Gerbera Katiki- Published in Karbi daily newspaper ‘Thekar’ 10th April, 2015
Teaching:(from 2018- till date)
1. Involved as course leader in the course no. Hort-112(i), Hort(elect)-313 and Hort-323
2. Involved as co teacher in Hort-213, Hort-222,VSC -501, VSC-502, VSC -503,VSC-504, VSC -505, VSC -507 and VSC -508
3. Prepared one (1) practical manual for the course Hort-323
4. Member of Research Advisory committee of 2 PG students
AAU Teachers Association
Life Member
Society of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Life Member
Indian Society for Root crops, CTCRI,Thiruvananthapuram,Kerela
Life Member
ICAR sponsored
project on
"ICAR sponsored project on AICRP on Tuber crops",
implemented in 1971.
Govt. of Assam, Agriculture Department sponsored
project on
"Establishment of Natural Farming and Organic Agriculture under R& D",
project cost Rs.25 Lakh
implemented in 2022.