Banothu Chakravarthi; Pranjit Sutradhar; Kalyan Pathak; M Panging; B K Medhi; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Bhabesh Gogoi
Performance of Finger Millet varieties (Eleusine coracana) in different establishment methods,
Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International,
Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Saurav Kumar Dutta; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Nawab Tayab Rafique; Mrinal Saikia; Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Ajay Kumar Medhi
Evaluation of Crop Establishment Techniques and Weed Management Tactics on Weed Population Dyanamics and Crop Productivity in Wet Direct Seeded Winter Rice,
Plant Archives,
, DOI :
Saurav Kumar Dutta; Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Ranjit Kumar Saud; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Bhabesh Gogoi; Kalyan Pathak; Santanu Kaushik Borah; Supahi Mahanta
Assessment of organic and natural farming practices of quality parameters of Joha rice and soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) in soil under cultivation,
Plant Archives,
, DOI :
Saurav Kumar Dutta; Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Ranjit Kumar Saud; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Bhabesh Gogoi; Supahi Mahanta; Kalyan Pathak
Evaluation of Organic and Natural Farming Practices on chemical properties of Soil in Joha Rice,
Plant Archives,
, DOI : Archives.2024.v.24.
Rituraj Saikia; Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Arunima Bharali; Safiqul Hussain
Efficacy of Insecticides Against Yellow Stem Borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) and Rice Leaf Folder (Cnaphaocrocis medinalis Guenee) and Their Impact on Natural Enemies in Rice Ecosystem,
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,
, DOI :
Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Saurav Kumar Dutta; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Nawab Tayab Rafique; Mrinal Saikia; Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Ajay Kumar Medhi
Impact of Establishment techniques and weed management strategies on chemical properties of soil in wet direct seeded winter rice,
Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology,
Saurav Kumar Dutta; Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Ranjit Kumar Saud; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Bhabesh Gogoi; Supahi Mahanta; Kalyan Pathak
Impact of Organic and Natural Farming practices on growth, yield attributes and yield of joha rice,
Journal of scientific Research and reports,
Hridesh Harsha Sarma; Saurav Kumar Dutta; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Nawab Tayeb Rafiq; Mrinal Saikia; Sanjib Ranjan Borah
Impact of establishment techniques and weed management strategies on growth, yield attributes and yield in direct seeded winter rice,
Plant Archives,
Angshuman Sarmah; Pradip Chandra Dey; Sanjay Kumar Chetia; Ajay Kumar Medhi; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Arunima Bharali; Mayuri Baruah; Martin G
Effect of different storage conditions on grain quality of paddy,
Jugabrat Sarma; Debajit Borah; Monimala Saikia; Hemanta Saikia; Purnima saikia; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Dipankar Brahma
Adoption of recommended practices of Tapioca by the eri silkworm rearers of Udalguri, Assam, India,
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science,
Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Pradip Chandra Dey; P Bora; Sameron Bhattacharyya; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Parinda Barua; Pompi Dutta; Rituraj Saikia; Mayuri Baruah; Rituparn
Impact Assessment of Cluster Front Line Demonstration (CFLDs) on popularisation of toria cultivation in Majuli District of Assam, India,
International Journal of Plant & Soil Sciencce,
Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Pompi Dutta; Sameeron Bhattacharyya; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Mayuri Baruah; Arunima Bharali; Rituraj Saikia; Jyoti Lekha Borah; Sanjay Kumar
Inclusion of Seed Production in Rice Cropping Sequence as a Means for doubling farmers income,
Biological Forum,
Sanjib Ranjan Borah; Anjali Basumatary; Nayan Jyoti Ojha; Rituparna Saikia; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Mayuri Baruah
Dynamics of Zinc Fractions in Soil as Affected by Zinc Fertilization in a Maize-maize Cropping Sequence in Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam, India,
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change,,
, DOI : 10.9734/IJECC/2022/v12i121623
Nabajit Tanti; Subash Chandra Barua; Rana Pratap Bhuyan; Jiaul Haque; Shyamal Kumar Phukon; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Shyamal Kishore Bordoloi
Economics of tea based intercropping in Tinsukia district of Assam,
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences,
Amrit Tamuly; Rahul Kumar Verma; Munmi Phukon; Pompi Dutta; Sruthi R; Pradip Chandra Dey; Milon Jyoti Konwar; Sanjay Kumar Chetia
Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in upland rice accessions of India,
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
Bora; S.S.; Sharma; K.K.; Borah; K; Konwar; M.J.
Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Seed Rate on Growth and Yield of Rye Grass (Lolium multiflorum) in Assam, India.,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.,
Konwar; M.J.; Sarmah; M.K.; Das; K.N.; Pegu; L.; Rahman; S.W.; Phukon; S.K.
Performance of direct seeded rice as influenced by sowing dates, sowing methods and nutrient management practices,
Agricultural Science Digest,
Pegu; L.; Kalita; P.; Borah; H.K; Konwar; M.J.
Analysis of green gram genotypes based on morpho-physiological, biochemical attributes and seed yield in relation to growing season,
Gadad; S.K.; Gogoi; P.K.; Konwar; M.J.
Growth parameters of autumn rice under various irrigation schedules and nutrient management,
Indian J. of Agri. Research,
Pegu; L.; Kalita; P.; Das; K.; Bora; B.; Konwar; M.J.
Performance of Green gram genotypes during Kharif and summer seasons in relation to root parameters and yield under acidic soil condition of Assam with special reference to Phosphorous Use Efficiency,
Int. J. of Agri. Sc. ,
Konwar; M.J.; Sarmah; M.K.; Das; K.N.; Pegu; L.; Rahman; S.W.; Gogoi; B.
Impact of available N, P2O5 and K2O on soil due to different management practices after growing sali rice,
Int. J. of Agri. Sc,
Konwar, M.J.; Kalita, P.; Dutta, P. and Chetia, S.K.(2023). Literature on Rice in Assam. S.M. Press, Jorhat, ISBN:978-81-951213-9-7
Barua, P.; Dutta, P.; Konwa, M.J. and Chetia, S.K.(2023). Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions in Assam: Challenges, Experiences and Success Stories. S.M. Press, Jorhat, ISBN:978-81-951213-2-8
Sharma, K.K.; Borah, M.; Talukdar, L.; Kalita, J.J.; Konwar, M.J. and Gogoi, B.(2023). Effective Resource Management Through Integrated Farming System. in : Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions in Assam: Challenges, Experiences and Success Stories, Barua, P.; Dutta, P.; Konwar, M.J.; Chetia, S.K.; (Eds), S.M. Press,Jorhat, pp 83-92, ISBN:978-81-951213-2-8.
Borah, S.R.; Konwar, M.J.; Dey, P.C. and Saikia, R.(2023). Site Specific Nutrient Management for Maintaining Soil Health and Long Term Productivity. in : Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions in Assam: Challenges, Experiences and Success Stories, Barua, P.; Dutta, P.; Konwar, M.J. and Chetia, S.K. (Eds), S.M. Press,Jorhat, pp 83-92, ISBN:978-81-951213-2-8.
Pathak, K.; Saikia, M. and Konwar, M.J.(2023). Climate Smart Irrigation Practices in Assam. in : Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions in Assam: Challenges, Experiences and Success Stories, Barua, P.; Dutta, P. and Konwar, M.J. Chetia, S.K.; (Eds), S.M. Press,Jorhat, pp 77-82, ISBN:978-81-951213-2-8.
Borah, S.R.; Konwar, M.J.; Chetia, S.K.; Saud, R. and Dey, P.C.(2022). Environmental Issues and Strategy for Environmental Restorationthrough Carbon Sequestration. in : Research Trends in Environmental Science, Sharma, P.; (Ed), AkiNik Publications,New Delhi, pp 67-80, ISBN:978-93-5570-455-9.
Begum, M.; Konwar, M.J. and Kandali, G.G.(2021). Biochar: A Strategy for Rejuvenating Soil Health and Carbon SequestrationTanveer Bilal Pirzadah, Bisma Malik, Khalid Rehman Hakeem. in : Plant-Microbe Dynamics: Recent Advances for Sustainable Agriculture, Pirzadah, T.B.; Malik, B. and Hakeem, K.R. (Eds), CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group),America, pp 51-70, ISBN:9781003106784.
Konwar, M.J.(2020). Real Time Nitrogen Application in Winter Rice under Different Crop Establishment Techniques.Ph.D thesis submitted to Agronomy, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam
Konwar, M.J.(2016). Performance of Direct Seeded Sali Rice as influenced by Sowing dates, INM and their residual effect on succeeding rapeseed crop.M.Sc thesis submitted to Agronomy, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam
Chetia, S.K.; Barua, P.; Das, J. and Konwar, M.J.(2023). AAU-Assam Rice Research Institute-at a glance. Assam Agricultural University, AAU
Recipient of appreciation letter on the 78th Independence Day (15 Aug, 2024) from Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, AAU
Indian Society of Weed Science
Life Member
Society of Advancement of Rice Research
Life Member
Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur
Life Member
NABARD sponsored
project on
"Fostering Na-Kuhipaat into a self sustainable FPC through commercialisation of purple rice variety Labanya in Titabor block of Jorhat district of Assam",
project cost Rs.1175112 Lakh
implemented in 2024.
Government of Arunachal Pradesh sponsored
project on
"Morphochemical evaluation, purification and development of production package of Khamti Lahi of Arunachal Pradesh",
project cost Rs.3105280 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
AAU, Jorhat sponsored
project on
"Amar Gaon Amar Gaurav",
project cost Rs.200000 Lakh
implemented in 2024.
NABARD sponsored
project on
"Formation of Farmer producer Company under Sarupathar Development Block under CBBO, AAU, Jorhat",
project cost Rs.24 Lakh
implemented in 2021.
DRMR, Bharatpur sponsored
project on
"Assessment and Transfer of Improved Production Technology of Rapeseed-Mustardin Assam through Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs)",
implemented in 2023.
AAU, Jorhat sponsored
project on
"Production of quality seeds of some popular AAU developed varieties of Rice and their marketing in PPP mode",
project cost Rs.3000000 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
DBT-GoI sponsored
project on
"Development of high yielding, non-lodging and biotic resistant varieties of Black scented rice of Manipur and Joha rice of Assam through Biotechnological intervention",
project cost Rs.119.91280 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
AAU, Jorhat sponsored
project on
"Development of varieties suitable for direct seeded condition of Assam",
project cost Rs.25 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
ICAR-IIRR sponsored
project on
"All India coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP)",
implemented in 2022.
DBT, Govt. of India sponsored
project on
"Generating high depth genomic information for the Himalaya rice cultivars for improving nutritional quality and stress tolerance",
project cost Rs.62.03 Lakh
implemented in 2022.
SERB, Govt of India sponsored
project on
"Genome wide association studies for agronomic and nutritional traits in rice using Multiparent Advance Generation Intercross (MAGIC) population developed from Assam rice",
implemented in 2021.
NIBIO sponsored
project on
"AAU-NIBIO Climate Resilence Project",
project cost Rs.2.1 Crore
implemented in 2018.