General Informations

  • Join Date: 24/06/2019
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Agronomy
  • Office Email: milon.j.konwar[at]

Education Details

B.Sc (Agri.)

Assam Agricultural University

M.Sc (Agri.)

Assam Agricultural University

Ph.D (Agriculture)

Assam Agricultural University

Employment History

22-10-2020 - 06-12-2024
Scientist (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University

24-06-2019 - 21-10-2020
Junior Scientist

Assam Agricultural University

21-08-2018 - 21-06-2019
Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University

06-12-2024 - Till date
Scientist (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University

  • Recipient of appreciation letter on the 78th Independence Day (15 Aug, 2024) from Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, AAU
  • Indian Society of Weed Science
    Life Member
  • Society of Advancement of Rice Research
    Life Member
  • Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur
    Life Member
  • NABARD sponsored project on "Fostering Na-Kuhipaat into a self sustainable FPC through commercialisation of purple rice variety Labanya in Titabor block of Jorhat district of Assam", project cost Rs.1175112 Lakh implemented in 2024.
  • Government of Arunachal Pradesh sponsored project on "Morphochemical evaluation, purification and development of production package of Khamti Lahi of Arunachal Pradesh", project cost Rs.3105280 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • AAU, Jorhat sponsored project on "Amar Gaon Amar Gaurav", project cost Rs.200000 Lakh implemented in 2024.
  • NABARD sponsored project on "Formation of Farmer producer Company under Sarupathar Development Block under CBBO, AAU, Jorhat", project cost Rs.24 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • DRMR, Bharatpur sponsored project on "Assessment and Transfer of Improved Production Technology of Rapeseed-Mustardin Assam through Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs)", implemented in 2023.
  • AAU, Jorhat sponsored project on "Production of quality seeds of some popular AAU developed varieties of Rice and their marketing in PPP mode", project cost Rs.3000000 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • DBT-GoI sponsored project on "Development of high yielding, non-lodging and biotic resistant varieties of Black scented rice of Manipur and Joha rice of Assam through Biotechnological intervention", project cost Rs.119.91280 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • AAU, Jorhat sponsored project on "Development of varieties suitable for direct seeded condition of Assam", project cost Rs.25 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • ICAR-IIRR sponsored project on "All India coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP)", implemented in 2022.
  • DBT, Govt. of India sponsored project on "Generating high depth genomic information for the Himalaya rice cultivars for improving nutritional quality and stress tolerance", project cost Rs.62.03 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • SERB, Govt of India sponsored project on "Genome wide association studies for agronomic and nutritional traits in rice using Multiparent Advance Generation Intercross (MAGIC) population developed from Assam rice", implemented in 2021.
  • NIBIO sponsored project on "AAU-NIBIO Climate Resilence Project", project cost Rs.2.1 Crore implemented in 2018.