General Informations

  • Join Date: 28/12/2011
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Office Email: basanta.k.borah[at]
  • Other Charges: PPC member, Annual report editorial board member, Lease out committee member, Advisor (BSc-Agri)

Education Details

BSc Agri

Assam Agricultural University

MSc Agri

Assam Agricultural University


University of Delhi South Campus

Post Doctoral

University of Basel, Switzerland

Employment History

28-12-2011 - 31-12-2023
Assistant Professor

Assam Agricultural University

01-01-2024 - Till date
Associate Professor

Assam Agricultural University

  • The best achievement I had made in AAU since 2011 is designing and executing the Erasmus Mundus (BRAVE) programme with European Union. In this programme, five Indian and six European Universities have been collaborating in one way (from India to Europe) student mobility for various periods of time and for various (UG, PG and staff) programmes of study. The mobility as well as stay in Europe is funded by European Union. In total 23 mobilities happened; some are still in Europe and elsewhere.
  • Another European Union funded mobility project for our faculties and students is AdaptNET; it followed BRAVE. It is continuing.
  • Assam Science Society
    Life Member
  • European Union sponsored project on "Strengthening education, research and innovation for climate smart crops in India (AdaptNET)", project cost Rs.3 Crore implemented in 2019.
  • AAU R & D sponsored project on "Application of the gut microbes of Greater Wax Moth (Galleria mellonella) as efficient plastic polymer-degraders", project cost Rs.25 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • DST sponsored project on "Survey and molecular characterization of the viral diseases of the important crops in northeastern India", implemented in 2012.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Functional dissection of geminiviral promoters for developing heterologous gene expression systems", implemented in 2012.
  • DBT-AAU Centre sponsored project on "Investigation of the population polymorphism of tulsi in Assam and characterization of its genes involved in biosynthesis of secondary metabolites", implemented in 2012.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Study the virome, RNAome and leaf curl disease manifestation in Bhut jolokia (C. chinense) and C. frutescens of North East India", implemented in 2018.
  • European Union sponsored project on "Erasmus Mundus Programme on Plant virology for New Era: Breeding for Resistance (BRAVE)", implemented in 2013.