General Informations

  • Join Date: 30/03/1988
  • College: College of Community Science
  • Department: Family Resource Management
  • Office Email: nandita.bhattacharyya[at]
  • Other Charges: I/C Head, Department of Family Resource Management

Education Details


Assam Agricultural University


Sri Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher studies for women


Indian Institute of Technology

Other Qualifications

University of California

Employment History

30-03-1988 - 10-01-1997
Assistant Professor

Assam Agricultural University

11-01-1997 - 31-12-2013
Associate Professor

Assam Agricultural University

01-01-2014 - Till date

Assam Agricultural University

01-09-2018 - Till date
Professor and Head

Assam Agricultural University

  • Achievement in educational activities:

    - So far guided nine (9) M.Sc. students and one Ph. D student.

    - Assisted students in getting awards in National and International level

    Achievement in Research activities:

    - Developed several user friendly work tools/accessories for workers engaged in agricultural

    farm, fruit processing units and tea fields.

    - Completed four (4) numbers of externally funded projects.

    - Successful in bringing collaborative research with Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.

    - Bagged the Spoke Institute, Design Innovation Centre (DIC) centre which was sponsored by

    Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi in competitive mode.

    - Acting as a Coordinator of Spoke Institute, Design Innovation Centre (AAU).

    - Since 2013 involved in standard making process at National level (BIS) and International

    level (ISO). At present

    - Involved in the following Technical Committees of International Standardization

    Organization (ISO):

    - ISO/TC 159/SC 01

    - ISO/TC 159/SC 01/WG 05

    - ISO/TC 159/SC 04

    - ISO/TC 159/SC 04/WG 10

    - ISO/TC 159/SC 05/WG 05

    - Could generate revenue by selling technologies developed under AICRP and externally

    funded projects

    Particulars of recognition:

    - Selected to have an exposure visit to advanced laboratory in abroad under NAHEP (National

    Agricultural Higher Education Programme). Under the programme visited University of

    California, Davis for one- month.

    - Bagged IEA Congress IDC fund (rewarded authorship) from International Ergonomics

    Association to participate in 18th IEA World Congress on Ergonomics, held in Recife, Brazil

    from 12th February to 16th February’ 2012.

    - Involved in standard making process of International Standard formulation of ISO 27501-

    27501 and 27503 series. In this connection attended as Indian expert in Scientific Committee

    meetings of ISO 159 held in Chicago (2014) and Paris (2015).

    - At present actively engage in standard making process under ISO 159, Technical Committee

    related to Ergonomics for Children, ISO 27503 as a core committee member with Scientists

    from Japan.

    - Acting as the Principal member in “Bureau of Indian Standards’ (An organization for

    furnishing inputs for International Standard Organization, ISO) and settings standards for

    Indian Standards.

    - Invited to deliver Key note address and lead lectures in several conferences, workshops and

    seminars at National and International level.

    - Invited to chair several sessions in several conferences, workshops and seminars at National

    and International level.
  • Assisted in educational activities
    Dr. Geetashree Bori, a former Ph.D. student under guidance of Dr. Nandita Bhattacharyya got appreciation award by Home Science Association of India for her Ph.D. research
  • Assisted in educational activities
    Dr. Geetashree Bori, a former Ph.D. student under guidance of Dr. Nandita Bhattacharyya bagged IEA Kingfar Award from International Ergonomics Association for her research work in the field of Human Factors and Ergonomics.
  • Indian Society of Ergonomics (Assistant Secretary)
    Life Member
  • Assam Science Society
    Life Member
  • DST sponsored project on "Drudgery reducing tools and techniques-an approach to foster scientific knowledge among rural women for better haelth and increase productivity", project cost Rs.22.35 Lakh implemented in 2024.
  • ARIAS Society, APART, Govt. of Assam sponsored project on "‘Ergonomics in Agriculture -a way to improve work performance of farm workers to enhance productivity and better health’", project cost Rs.19.69 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • ICAR sponsored project on "AICRP on Women in Agriculture", implemented in 2020.
  • ICAR sponsored project on "AICRP on Women in Agriculture", implemented in 2020.
  • Ministry of Human Resource Development sponsored project on "DIC spoke institute", project cost Rs.1 Crore implemented in 2018.
  • sponsored project on "Ergonomics design approaches for occupational wellness of tea pluckers", implemented in 2018.
  • ministry of Human Resource Develoment sponsored project on "Design Innovation Centre (Spoke Institute)", project cost Rs.1 Crore implemented in 2016.
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research sponsored project on "Optimizing energy in rural households of Assam.", implemented in 2003.
  • National Tea Research Foundation, Tea Board of India sponsored project on "Ergonomic assessment of technologies used by workers in performance of different activities in tea fields", implemented in 2006.
  • National Tea Research Foundation, Tea Board of India sponsored project on "Ergonomic assessment of postures assumed by workers in tea fields", implemented in 2003.
  • Ministry of Human Resource Management, New Delhi sponsored project on "Ergonomic design approaches for occupational wellness of tea pluckers engaged in manual tea plucking activities", project cost Rs.8.86 Lakh implemented in 2018.