Jwngsar Baro; Mamoni Das; Soumitra Goswami; Manisha Choudhury; Arijit shome; Jadav Sarma
Evaluation of antiobesity potential of methanolic bark extract of Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br.in high fat diet induced obese rats: In vitro and in vivo studies,
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal,
, DOI : http://www.ukaazpublications.com/publications/inde
Jwngsar Baro; Mamoni Das; Deeptimayee Mahapatra; Manisha Choudhury; Soumitra Goswami; Jadav Sarma; Arijit Shome; N.Kapaini Basena; Priyanka Bhattacharyya; Amit
Documentation of Antiobesogenic Plants used by Bodo Community of Assam,India,
Biological Forum – An International Journal,