College:Sarat Chandra Sinha College of Agriculture
Office Email:bhaskarjyoti.sarma[at]
Other Charges:i/c Head, Department of Horticulture
Education Details
B. Sc. (Agri)
Assam Agricultural University
M. Sc. (Agri) in Horticulture
Assam Agricultural University
Ph.D. (Agriculture) in Horticulture
Assam Agricultural University
06-11-2008 -
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
KVK, Jorhat, AAU
06-08-2011 -
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
KVK, Chirang, AAU
12-08-2014 -
Assistant Professor
SCS College of Agriculture, AAU
01-01-2023 -
Till date
Associate Professor
SCS College of Agriculture, AAU
Lairingdi Boro; Sanjib Sharma; Kankana Deka; Sangita Mahanta; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Rupak Kumar Nath; Niloy Bora; Kaushik Das
Physico-chemical studies of rose in different growing media,
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research,
, DOI :
B. Sarma; R. K. Nath; M. Choudhury; P. Ahmed; K. Das; G. K. Upamanya; S. M. Khayer; M. Rahman; H. Ojah; P. Deka; S. Saha; J. Moshahary; R. Sarma
Constraints in vegetable production in Char areas of Dhubri district, Assam,
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development,
, DOI :
Lairingdi Bodo; Sanjib Sharma; Kankana Deka; Sangita Mahanta; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Rupak Kumar Nath; Nilay Bora; Kaushik Das
Determining the Effect of Growing Media on Growth and Flowering of Rose,
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,
, DOI :
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; U. Kotoky; A. Saikia; R. Sarma; S. Saha; M. Choudhury; J. Moshahary
Effect of Pruning and Micronutrient Sprays on Physico-chemical Properties of Ber,
Archives of Current Research International,
, DOI :
J. Moshahary; M. Choudhury; P. Ahmed; B. Sarma; R. K. Nath; S. Saha
A bibliometric analysis of biochar in sustainable agriculture,
International Journal of Research in Agronomy,
, DOI :
R. Amin; S. Mahanta; B. Sarma; R. K. Nath; S. Sharma; S. Saha; D. Bordoloi
Physico-chemical characteristics of rooftop grown petunia in different growing media,
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research,
, DOI :
R. Amin; S. Mahanta; B. Sarma; R. K. Nath; S. Sharma
Influence of growing media and pot size on rooftop gardening of petunia,
The Pharma Innovation,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; S. Mahanta; R. K. Nath; M. Choudhury; J. Moshahary; S. Saha
Assessment of organic management and farmer's practices in ginger cultivation,
AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; U. Kotoky; A. Saikia; R. Sarma; K. Das; S. Dutta; S. Saha; M. Choudhury; D. Bordoloi
Influence of pruning and micronutrients on fruit set and retention of Thailand ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.),
AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
Perves Ahmed; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; M. Choudhury; R. K. Nath; H. Ojah; K. Das; R. Sarma
A comprehensive appraisal of the farming scenario in riverine areas of Lower Assam, India,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2022/v40i830967
Mrinal Choudhury; Rupak Kumar Nath; Perves Ahmed; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Hrishikesh Ojah
Livelihood of the farmers of Char villages of Dhubri district of Assam: A case study,
The Pharma Innovation Journal,
Roshmi Rekha Saikia; Chinmoy Kumar Sarma; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma
Influence of air hanging stalk techniques in increasing shelf life of tomatoes,
Int. J. Chem. Studies,
, DOI : doi-
Rupak Kumar Nath; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Mrinal Choudhury; Perves Ahmed; Gunadhya Upamanya; Shadad Md. Khayer; Mustafizur Rahman; Ghana Kanta Sarma; Fakaruddin A
Socio Economic Status of Farming Community of Char Area of Dhubri District, Assam,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2021/v39i930636
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Kaushik Das; Sarat Sekhar Bora
Physiology of fruit development,
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.,
, DOI : doi-
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Ranjit Kumar Bhattacharyya; Subhankar Saha; Ranjit Sarma
Impact of training programmes on Bari development,
Int. J. Sci. Env. Tech.,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Mrinal Choudhury; Rupak Kumar Nath; Mandakini Bhagawati; Ranjit Sarma
Socio economic status of banana growers and constraints in Western district of Assam,
Int. J. Farm Sci. ,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Rupak Kumar Nath; Mrinal Choudhury; Hrishikesh Ojah; Perves Ahmed; Ranjit Sarma
Management of trunk borer in Khasi Mandarin,
Int. J. Innovative Sci. Engg. Tech.,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Mrinal Choudhury; Ranjit Sarma; Rupak Kumar Nath
Production constraints of banana cultivation in western districts of Assam,
J. Pharmacognosy Phyto chemistry,
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Utpal Kotoky; Sarat Sekhar Bora
Water footprint of horticultural crops,
Int. J. Chem. Stud. ,
Mousumi Phukon; Ira Sarma; Rupam Borgohain; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma; Jogesh Goswami
Efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and neem oil against tomato fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera under field condition,
Asian J. Bio Sci. ,
Budhindra Nath Hazarika; Bidyut C. Deka; Shahida Choudhury; Bhaskarjyoti Sarma
Studies on variability in physico-chemical characters of different aonla accessions from Jorhat region of Assam,
Indian J. Hort.,
Sarma, B.; Choudhury, M.; Moshahary, J.; Saha, S. and Ahmed, P.(2024). Vertical Mulching: A crop management practice for higher yield in drought prone areas. in : Natural Resource Management and Environmental Security (Volume - 5), Sah, D.; Yadav, S.; (Eds), Integrated Publications,New Delhi, pp 43-51, ISBN:978-93-5834-190-4.
Choudhury, M.; Moshahary, J.; Sarma, B.; Ahmed, P.; Nath, R.K.; Saha, S. and Ojah, H.(2024). Application of Drone in Land Use Planning for Climate Smart Agriculture. in : Innovative Research & Technology in Agriculture Sciences (Volume - 7), Saxena, A.K.; (Ed), Scripown Publications,New Delhi, pp 47-56, ISBN:978-81-947832-3-7.
Choudhury, M.; Sarma, B.; Moshahary, J.; Ahmed, P.; Saha, S.; Deka, P. and Nath, R.K.(2023). IoT for Soil Fertility Management: A giant leap towards sustainable Agriclture. in : Smart Agriculture: Digital Era in Farming, Kachari, M.; Datta, H.S.; Sarmah, R.; Boro, R.C.; (Eds), Elite Publishing House,New Delhi, pp 80-87, ISBN:978-93-58996-80-7.
Choudhury, M.; Ahmed, P.; Sarma, B.; Saha, S.; Moshahary, J. and Nath, R.K.(2023). Unchartered Health Benefits of Potato. in : Essentials of Food Technology and Nutritional Science (Volume - 5), Sharma, P.; (Ed), AkiNik Publications,New Delhi, pp 1-17, ISBN:978-93-5570-971-4.
Sarma, B.(2011). Pulibarir achoni totha joton (Planning and management of nursery). in : Adhunik Krishikatha, Misra, P.; (Ed), Aank-Baak,Guwahati, Assam, pp 371-376, ISBN:978-93-80454-42-9.
Sarma, R.; Borah, R. and Sarma, B.(2011). Saak pachalir kheti (Cultivation of vegetables). in : Adhunik Krishikatha, Misra, P.; (Ed), Aank-Baak,Guwahati, Assam, pp 377-413, ISBN:978-93-80454-42-9.
Sarma, B.(2011). Adhik ghankoi ropan kara paddhati (System of High Density Planting). in : Adhunik Krishikatha, Misra, P.; (Ed), Aank-Baak,Guwahati, Assam, pp 445-446, ISBN:978-93-80454-42-9.
Saud, B.K. and Sarma, B.(2011). Machalajatiya saisyor adhunik krishi paddhati (Modern cultivation practices of spices). in : Adhunik Krishikatha, Misra, P. (Ed), Aank-Baak,Guwahati, Assam, pp 469-475, ISBN:978-93-80454-42-9.
Saud, B.K. and Sarma, B.(2011). Banijyik phulor krishi paddhati (Cultivation practices of commercial flowers). in : Adhunik Krishikatha, Misra, P. (Ed), Aank-Baak,Guwahati, Assam, pp 486-494, ISBN:978-93-80454-42-9.
Sarma, B.(2016). Employment opportunities for the Rural Youths in Horticulture. in : Sustainable Agriculture, Ahmed, T.U.; Sarma, S.; (Eds), IQAC, Bhawanipur Anchalik College,Bhawanipur, Assam, pp 65-76, ISBN:978-81-925353-8-8.
Sarma, B. and Choudhury, M.(2020). Integrated Nutrient Management in Banana. in : Agriculture Development and Economic Transformation in Global Scenario, Rao, R. (Ed), Mahima Publication,New Delhi, pp 343-350, ISBN:978-81-943375-3-9.
Choudhury, M.; Sarma, B.; Ahmed, P. and Rahman, B.(2020). Intercropping in Rubber Plantation for Efficient utilization of Resources. in : Research Trends in Horticultural Sciences, Ahirwar, M.K.; (Ed), Akinik Publication,New Delhi, pp 17-30, ISBN:978-93-90420-15-5.
Sarma, B. and Choudhury, M.(2021). Possibilities of Horticultural Crops in Assam (In Assamese). in : Rupantor, Bora, N.K. (Ed), Govt. of Assam,Guwahati, Assam, pp 116-117.
Sarma, B.(2022). Canopy and Micronutrient Management of Thailand ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.).Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) thesis submitted to Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat - 785013, Jorhat, Assam
Sarma, B.; Saha, S.; Bhattacharyya, R. and Sarma, R.(2023). Sustainable production of fruit crops through proper management of Baris Bodoland International Knowledge Festival, 2023 Bodoland University, Kokrajhar ,Bodoland University, Kokrajhar,Kokrajhar, Vol. 1, 223 - .
Saha, S.; Sarma, B. and Duarah, D.P.(2023). Role of Nutrient Film Technique and Hydroponics in Sustainable Food Security Bodoland International Knowledge Festival, 2023 Bodoland University, Kokrajhar ,Bodoland University, Kokrajhar,Kokrajhar, Vol. 1, 222 - 223.
Das, S.; Sarma, B.; Choudhury, M.; Handique, G. and Sarma, R.(2018). Diversification in agricultural system benefits farmers under changed climatic conditions State Level Seminar on Doubling Farmers’ Income in Assam by 2022 SCSCA, Rangamati, Dhubri ,SCSCA,SCSCA, Rangamati, Dhubri, 118 - 126.
Saha, S.; Duarah, D.P.; Sarma, B.; Baruah, S.; Neog, M. and Pathak, P.K.(2023). Hydroponic Technology for Horticultural Crops. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Pathak, P.K.; Ahmed, F.U.A.; Nath, R.K.; Ahmed, P.; Deka, P.; Choudhury, M.; Sarma, B.; Ojah, H.; Das, K.; Sarma, R. and Saud, R.K.(2023). Insect pests of rice and their management. Assam Agricultural University, Dhubri
Sarma, B.; Sarma, S.; Goswami, S.; Das, A. and Saha, S.(2022). Scientific cultivation practice of Banana. (In Assamese). Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Goswami, S.; Sarma, B.; Sarma, S. and Deka, B.(2022). Scientific cultivation practice of Pineapple. (In Assamese). Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Sarma, B.; Sarma, S.; Goswami, S. and Hazarika, B.(2022). Scientific cultivation of Papaya. (In Assamese). Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Sarma, B.; Sarma, S.; Goswami, S.; Bhattacharyya, R.K. and Deka, K.(2022). Improvement of Assamese Bari. (In Assamese). Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Sarma, B.; Sarma, S.; Goswami, S. and Deka, B.(2022). Scientific cultivation practice of Aonla. (In Assamese). Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Ahmed, F.U.; Das, B.; Nath, R.K.; Sarma, B.; Ahmed, P.; Saha, S.; Choudhury, M.; Ojah, H. and Sarma, R.(2021). IPM in Tomato. Assam Agricultural University, Dhubri
Ahmed, F.U.; Das, B.; Nath, R.K.; Sarma, B.; Ahmed, P.; Saha, S.; Choudhury, M.; Ojah, H. and Sarma, R.(2021). IPM in Brinjal. Assam Agricultural University, Dhubri
Ahmed, F.U.; Das, B.; Nath, R.K.; Sarma, B.; Ahmed, P.; Saha, S.; Choudhury, M.; Ojah, H. and Sarma, R.(2021). IPM in Okra . Assam Agricultural University, Dhubri
Sarma, B. and Das, K.(2014). Bilahi Khetir Khuti-Nati (Tomato cultivation). KVK, Chirang, AAU, Kajalgaon, Chirang
Sarma, B.; Baruah, H.K. and Das, K.(2012). Drip Jalasinchanar Byabohar (Use of drip irrigation). KVK, Chirang, AAU, Kajalgaon, Chirang
Sarma, B. and Das, K.(2012). Vigyan Sanmatabhabe Amitar Kheti (Scientific cultivation practices of papaya). KVK, Chirang, AAU, Kajalgaon, Chirang
Sarma, B. and Das, K.(2012). Unnata Paddhatire Anaros Kheti (Improved cultivation practices of pineapple). KVK, Chirang, AAU, Kajalgaon, Chirang
Neog, M.; Borgohain, R.; Goswami, J.; Sarma, J.; Nath, P. and Sarma, B.(2010). KVKs of AAU. AAU, Jorhat, Jorhat
Kalita, M.K.; Nath, P.J.; Goswami, J.; Barman, S. and Sarma, B.(2009). Sagariya Akritir Kathphular Kheti (in Assamese). KVK, Jorhat, AAU, Kaliapani, Jorhat
Acting as College Nodal Officer, SCSCA, All India Survey on Higher Education, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Played role in 3 concluded and 1 ongoing Research Projects
Acted as External Question paper setter, Course No. Hort-242 (2nd Semester) and Hort (Elect)-353 (5th Semester), College of Agriculture, CAU, Imphal, Kyrdemkulai
Acted as External Evaluator, Gunotsav Phase – III, Dhubri District during 04.01.2018 to 06.01.2018
Developed 6 (six) Practical manuals for different courses on Horticulture for UG degree programme
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India sponsored
project on
"Small nursery of Medicinal Plants",
project cost Rs.6.25 Lakh
implemented in 2019.
DR (Agri), AAU sponsored
project on
"A study of homestead banana garden of Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam",
project cost Rs.0.25 Lakh
implemented in 2015.
ICAR sponsored
project on
"Tribal Sub Plan Project on “Promotion of Agriculture Centric Livelihood Security for Tribal Farmers of Assam” [At KVK, Chirang]",
project cost Rs.20.0 Lakh
implemented in 2012.
DBT, New Delhi sponsored
project on
"Biotechnology Led Organic Farming in NER [At KVK, Kokrajhar]",
project cost Rs.1.25560 Lakh
implemented in 2010.